insipid | adj (derog) 1. lacking taste, tdk ada rasa, hambar; (of fruit) tawar: the soup is ~, sup itu hambar; if you leave out the spices it will taste ~, jika kamu tdk membubuh rempah-rempahnya, masakan itu akan berasa hambar; 2. dull, uninteresting, membosankan, menjemukan: an ~ girl, without spirit or charm, gadis yg membosankan, yg tdk bersemangat dan tdk menawan; an ~ conversation, perbualan yg membosankan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | 11. (of beer etc) lacking effervescence, hambar: this beer is ~, please bring me another one, bir ini hambar, tolong bawakan saya yg baru; 12. (of battery) dead, mati; 13. (of paint) without lustre, kusam, pusam; 14. (mus) flet: a ~ note, not flet; 15. (of trade, business) lembap: the market was ~ today, pasaran lembap hari ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
go | ~ abroad, pergi ke luar negeri; ~ a long way, see FAR (go far); ~ ashore, naik ke darat; , lose gas content, (menjadi) hambar: this beer has ~ne flat, bir ini hambar; ~ home, a. return to o’s home, /balik, pulang/ (ke rumah); b. (as slogan) pergi balik negeri; c. (euphem) die, meninggal dunia; d. hit the target, tepat mengenai sasaran: his sarcasm went home, sindirannya tepat mengenai sasaran; ~ slow, a. work slowly in protest, melambat-lambatkan kerja; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
commonplace | n1. st that is ordinary, perkara biasa: floods are a ~ in this district, banjir adalah perkara biasa di daerah ini; 2. trite phrase, remark, platitude, approp n + yg hambar: her conversation is full of ~s, perbualannya penuh dgn cerita yg hambar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bland | adj 1. gentle, lembut: ~ manners, tingkah laku yg lembut; 2. mediocre, dull, tdk menarik: a ~ young man, seorang pemuda yg tdk menarik; 3. not stimulating, mild, hambar: a ~ diet, sajian makanan yg hambar; 4. mild and soothing, nyaman: the ~ climate of the island, iklim nyaman di pulau itu; 5. unemotional, bersahaja: the criminal made a ~ confession, penjenayah itu membuat pengakuan bersahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flat1 | 7. unvarying, sama rata: a ~ rate, kadar sama rata; on a minibus in Kuala Lumpur you pay a ~ fare of fifty cents, apabila naik bas mini di Kuala Lumpur, kita membayar tambang sama rata lima puluh sen; 8. dull, hambar: the conversation was ~ and uninteresting, perbualan itu hambar dan tdk menarik; life seemed ~ to me, hidup terasa hambar bagi saya; 9. (of voice) without variations, mendatar; 10. (of statement, words, etc) emotionless, tdk beremosi: although he was clearly angry, the president confined himself to ~ statements of fact, walaupun presiden itu jelas marah, beliau hanya membuat keterangan berfakta dan tdk beremosi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fizzle | ~ out, (colloq), [various translations]: the play was exciting in the beginning but eventually ~d out, pd mulanya drama itu menyeronokkan tetapi makin lama makin hambar; interest in the new car soon ~d out, minat pd kereta baru itu tdk lama kemudian hilang begitu sahaja; their relationship which started passionately ~d out once the novelty wore off, hubungan mereka yg pd mulanya penuh berahi lama kelamaan mati apabila kemanisannya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | 11. (of cough) kering; 12. prohibiting the sale, purchase, consumption of alcoholic liquor, minuman keras diharamkan: this town is ~. You will have to go to the border to buy beer, minuman keras diharamkan di bandar ini. Kamu kenalah pergi ke sempadan utk membeli bir; 13. wry, witty, bersahaja: ~ humour, jenaka yg bersahaja; 14. unemotional, cold, hambar: a ~ greeting, sapaan yg hambar; she suggested, in a ~ voice, that perhaps I should look for employment elsewhere, dgn suara yg hambar dia | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |