ace | within an ~ of, hampir-hampir; (st unfavourable ) hampir-hampir, nyaris-nyaris: within an ~ of victory , hampir-hampir berjaya; within an ~ of collapse , nyaris-nyaris musnah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
virtually | adv hampir-hampir: their methods have been ~ unchanged for years, kaedah mereka hampir-hampir tdk berubah bertahun-tahun lamanya; there is ~ no one else who can do the job, hampir-hampir tdk ada seorang pun yg boleh membuat pekerjaan itu; the association represents ~ all the US railways, persatuan itu mewakili hampir-hampir semua perkhidmatan kereta api AS. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
verge | be on the ~ of, hampir-hampir; (colloq) dekat-dekat: the man was on the ~ collapse, lelaki itu hampir-hampir pengsan; he was on the ~ of a nervous breakdown, dia hampir-hampir mengalami patah jiwa; the country is on the ~ of achieving industrial success, negara itu hampir-hampir mencapai kejayaan perindustrian; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edge | be on the ~ of st, hampir-hampir + approp v: on the ~ of tears, hampir-hampir menangis; on the ~ of bankruptcy, hampir-hampir bankrap; put an ~ on, a. (blade) menajamkan, mengasah, mengilir: to put an ~ on the axe, menajamkan kapak; b. (appetite) membuka: the exercise put an ~ on his appetite, senaman itu membuka seleranya; c. (argument) menajamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
almost | c. (rel to condition, situation, action) hampir(-hampir); (rel to adverse situation) nyaris(-nyaris), hampir(-hampir), cemas-cemas: he is ~ bankrupt, dia hampir-hampir bankrap; he was ~ knocked down by a car, dia nyaris-nyaris dilanggar kereta; she ~ blurted out the secret, dia nyaris-nyaris membocorkan rahsia itu; d. what would essentially approximate, (usu with negative) boleh dikatakan: during that one hour she said ~ nothing, selama satu jam itu, dia boleh dikatakan tdk berkata sepatah pun; they ~ always fail agree, mereka boleh dikatakan tdk pernah bersetuju; an ~ watertight argument, suatu alasan yg boleh dikatakan tdk dapat disangkal lagi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inch | within an ~ of, hampir(-hampir), sedikit lagi; (st that results in harm, injury, etc) nyaris(-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): he came within an ~ of beating the champion, dia hampir-hampir dapat mengalahkan juara itu; she came within an ~ of being struck by a falling branch, dia nyaris-nyaris ditimpa dahan yg patah itu; be within an ~ of death, nyaris maut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
verge | vi; ~ /on, upon/, hampir-hampir merupakan: such an act ~s on negligence, perbuatan spt itu hampir-hampir merupakan kecuaian; her face showed a sadness that ~d on despair, wajahnya menampakkan kesedihan yg hampir-hampir merupakan putus asa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
near miss | n 1. a bomb, shot, etc that just missed its target, serangan yg /sipi, hampir-hampir tepat/: our planes sustained a number of ~es, kapal terbang kami mengalami beberapa serangan yg hampir-hampir tepat; 2. attempt that almost succeeds, hampir-hampir + approp v: he didn’t break the world record, but it was a ~, dia tdk memecahkan rekod dunia, tetapi dia hampir-hampir berjaya; 3. collision which nearly happens, kemalangan yg hampir-hampir berlaku. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
much | ~ the same, /lebih kurang, hampir(-hampir)/ sama; (in age) /lebih kurang, hampir(-hampir)/ /sebaya, seumur/: when he returned to Mandalom after ten years, the village was ~ the same as when he had left it, apabila dia kembali ke Manda | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
almost | adv nearly, a. (gen) hampir(-hampir): he is ~ as tall as his father, dia hampir setinggi bapanya; he is ~ cured, dia hampir-hampir sembuh; mistakes on ~ every page, kesilapan pd hampir setiap halaman; b. (rel to time) hampir: a porcelain vase that is ~ 200 years old, sebuah pasu tembikar yg berusia hampir 200 tahun; it is ~ tea-time, sudah hampir waktu minum petang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |