dying | adj 1. ceasing to live, hampir mati: a ~ man, lelaki yg hampir mati; 2. disappearing, hampir /pupus, luput, lenyap/: a ~ civilisation, tamadun yg hampir luput; 3. rel to time before death, pd saat akhir hayat sso: his ~ words, kata-kata yg diluahkan pd saat akhir hayatnya; ~ wish, permintaan terakhir; 4. (of fire) hampir mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
but | adv hanya... (sahaja): he was ~ a child, dia hanya seorang budak: there is ~ one way, hanya ada satu jalan sahaja; all ~, hampir-hampir, dekat-dekat: he was all ~ dead when we found him, dia hampir-hampir mati sewaktu kami menjumpainya; ~ for, kalau tdk krn: ~ for him I would have been killed, kalau tdk krn dia, saya mungkin terbunuh; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bugger | n 1. (UK), (colloq & taboo), (applied to people) a. (showing contempt or anger) bodoh, babi: you stupid ~! You almost killed me!, bodoh! Saya hampir mati tadi!; that ~! He’s ruined my chances!, babi betul dia! Habis peluang aku!; b. (showing sympathy) dia: the poor ~ didn’t know who to turn to, kasihan dia. Dia tdk tahu kpd siapa hendak mengadu; c. (said in jocular and friendly raillery), [various translations, sometimes not translated]: the cheeky little ~ ate my sandwich, budak nakal tu makan sandwic saya; you lucky ~!, untung betul kamu!; come on, old ~!, Let’s get you home, marilah! Kami hantar kamu pulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alive | ~ and kicking, masih cergas; be ~ to, menyedari, sedar akan: he was ~ to the dangers working in the mine, dia sedar akan bahaya bekerja di lombong; be ~ with, a. see (sense 6.); b. be animated with, berseri-seri dgn: her face was ~ with laughter, mukanya berseri-seri dgn gelak ketawanya; c. be lively with, menjadi hidup: the air was ~ with the promise of spring, suasana menjadi hidup dgn tanda-tanda permulaan musim bunga; keep st ~, [various translations]: we must keep the fire ~ throughout the night, api itu hendaklah kita biarkan menyala sepanjang malam; it is cruel to keep the dog ~ when it is suffering, kejam kalau kita membiarkan anjing itu terus hidup terseksa; more dead than ~, sudah hampir-hampir mati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
All | b. (to an apologyII) tdk /apa(-apa), mengapa/; (colloq) tak /apa(-apa), mengapa/: “Sorry to trouble you.” “Not at ~!”, “Maaf mengganggu saudara.” “Tak apa-apa!”; c. (to an expression of thanks) sama-sama; (fml) terima kasih kembali: “Thank you very much!” “Not at ~!”, “Terima kasih banyak-banyak!” “Sama-sama!”; in ~, semuanya, jumlahnya: we have invited 55 guests in ~, tamu-tamu yg kita undang 55 semuanya; in all but..., almost, hampir; (used with n) hampir-hampir merupakan: the play is ~ but over, sandiwara itu hampir tamat; he was ~ but dead from thirst, dia hampir mati dahaga; this letter is ~ but an ultimatum, surat ini hampir-hampir merupakan kata dua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barely | adv 1. only just, baru (sahaja): he had ~ sat down when the telephone rang, dia baru sahaja duduk apabila telefon itu berdering; he died when he was ~ thirty, dia meninggal dunia sewaktu baru berusia 30 tahun; ~ enough, cukup-cukup (sahaja): there is ~ enough food for a week, bekalan makanan cukup-cukup sahaja utk seminggu; there is ~ enough time to get to the airport, masa cukup-cukup sahaja utk sampai ke lapangan terbang; 2. hardly, scarcely, hampir tdk: the old man was so shocked that he could ~ speak, orang tua itu begitu terkejut sehingga hampir tdk dapat berkata-kata; the room was ~ furnished, bilik itu hampir tdk ada perabotnya; ~ alive, hampir-hampir mati, tinggal nyawa-nyawa ikan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
end | 4. share, part, portion, [various translations]: his ~ of the bargain, bahagiannya dlm tawar-menawar itu; no problem at my ~, tdk ada masalah bagi diri saya; 5. (often in pl) remnant, fragment, a. (of cigarette, candle) puntung; b. (of cloth, rope) hujung-hujung: they are selling ~s of material cheaply, mereka menjual hujung-hujung kain dgn murah; 6. a ceasing to exist, a. death, [various translations]: his ~ was peaceful, dia mati dgn tenang; he is nearing his ~, dia hampir mati; she came to an untimely ~, dia mati muda; an opponent of slavery till his very ~, penentang perhambaan sehingga ke akhir hayat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
choke | vt 1. prevent from breathing, (act.) melemaskan; (pass.) lemas; (by clogging the windpipe), (act.) menyebabkan tercekik; (pass.) tercekik: the blanket nearly ~d the baby, selimut hampir-hampir melemaskan bayi itu; she swallowed a fish bone and was almost ~d, dia tertelan tulang ikan dan nyaris tercekik; 2. strangle, mencekik: he was ~d to death by the madman, dia dicekik hingga mati oleh orang gila itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
escape | vt 1. a. avoid, mengelakkan diri, mengelak drpd: they left for the country to ~ the crowds, mereka pergi ke desa utk mengelakkan diri drpd orang ramai; he dived into a creek to ~ being burnt to death, dia terjun ke dlm caruk utk mengelakkan diri drpd mati terbakar; she was thankful to ~ the responsibility of looking after the children, dia bersyukur krn dapat mengelak drpd menjaga kanak-kanak itu; ~ death, terselamat drpd maut; narrowly ~, nyaris(-nyaris), cemas-cemas, hampir(-hampir): we narrowly ~d being drowned when our boat capsized, kami nyaris-nyaris mati tenggelam semasa bot kami terbalik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasp | n sharp intake of breath, a. (from exhaustion) cungapan; in ~s, tercungap-cungap; b. (from astonishment, amazement, shock, etc) bunyi nafas tertahan: several ~s were audible, kedengaran bunyi nafas tertahan; at o’s last ~, (colloq) a. at the point of death, sedang nazak; b. on the point of exhaustion, hampir setengah mati: he was at his last ~ after the game, dia setengah mati selepas permainan itu; fight to the last ~, (colloq) bertempur habis-habisan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |