blow1 | ~ hot and cold, hangat-hangat tahi ayam; ~ /me, me down/, I’ll be ~ed, (colloq), (expressing surprise) aduh; ~ to /blazes, glory, kingdom come/, (act.) menyebabkan hancur berkecai; (pass.) hancur berkecai; st ~ wide open, membongkar sst: an incident which blew the scandal wide open, peristiwa yg telah membongkar skandal itu; ~ the whistle on st, put an end to st, menghentikan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lived | adj jangka: a short~ project, projek jangka pendek; short ~ interest, hangat-hangat tahi ayam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adv 1. at a high temperature, panas: glowing ~ coal, arang yg panas membara; 2. while hot, panas-panas, hangat-hangat: to serve the rice ~, menghidangkan nasi itu panas-panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
warm | adj 1. moderately hot, panas, (agak) hangat; (of water) suam, hangat: bathe the wound in ~ water, cuci luka itu dgn air suam; when the weather gets ~er we’ll go swimming, apabila cuaca beransur panas, kita akan pergi berenang; the soup is still ~, sup itu masih hangat; a fur coat kept her ~, kot bulu binatang membuat dia sentiasa hangat; it was cold outside, but inside the house was ~, sejuk di luar tetapi hangat di dlm rumah; 2. that preserves heat, panas: she dressed the children in their ~ clothes, dia memakaikan budak-budak itu pakaian panas mereka; 3. (of colour) rich, cerah: red and yellow are ~ colours, merah dan kuning ialah warna cerah; the ~ colours of the autumn leaves, warna cerah daun-daun pd musim luruh; 4. giving a pleasant feeling of cheerfulness or friendliness, mesra: he has a ~ voice, suaranya mesra; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
harangue | vt berucap dgn hangat kpd: the headmaster ~d the boys on the subject of drugs, guru besar berucap dgn hangat kpd murid-murid ttg dadah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
warm | ~ up, a. become warmer, menjadi /hangat, panas/: the weather ~ed up a little in the afternoon, cuaca menjadi hangat sedikit pd waktu tengah hari; b. prepare for athletic exercise etc, memanaskan badan: the players ~ed up before the match began, pemain-pemain itu memanaskan badan sebelum perlawanan bermula; c. become ready to work, panas: my car engine takes a long time to ~ up, enjin kereta saya mengambil masa yg lama utk panas; ~ so. up, make so. warm,/memanaskan, menghangatkan/ (badan) sso: gradually the fire ~ed us up, perlahan-lahan api pendiang itu menghangatkan kami; ~ st up, reheat st, memanaskan sst: the coffee is cold, I can ~ it up for you, kopi itu sejuk, saya boleh memanaskannya utk kamu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | vi; ~ up, (colloq) become more exciting, bertambah /hangat, hebat/: the election campaign is ~ting up, kempen pilihan raya bertambah hangat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adj 1. of, having relatively high temperature, panas, hangat: ~ day, hari yg panas; ~ water, air panas; ~ iron, besi hangat; the oven is not ~ enough, ketuhar itu tdk cukup panas; her forehead was ~, dahinya panas; ~ and tired, she lagged behind the other runners, oleh sebab panas dan letih, dia ketinggalan di belakang pelari-pelari lain; 2. producing burning sensation on tongue, pedas: ~ curries, kari yg pedas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heated | adj 1. become warm or hot, menjadi panas; 2. excited, impassioned, hangat; (of person) panas: a ~ argument, pertengkaran hangat; she gets very ~ whenever the subject is brought up, dia naik panas setiap kali perkara itu di timbulkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | in ~ pursuit, diburu dgn hebat: the fugitives ran helter-skelter with the police in ~ pursuit, orang buruan itu lari lintang-pukang apabila diburu dgn hebat oleh pihak polis; 7. controversial, hangat, panas: the awarding of government contracts became a ~ political issue, pemberian kontrak kerajaan menjadi isu politik yg hangat; 8. new, recent, hangat, panas; (of scent) masih kuat: ~ news, berita hangat; 9. (of tears) terasa /panas, hangat/: ~ tears ran down her cheeks, air mata yg terasa panas mengalir di pipinya; 10. (of words) pedas; 11. (of stolen goods) panas; 12. (of player) handal: a ~ golfer, pemain golf yg handal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |