blow1 | ~ hot and cold, hangat-hangat tahi ayam; ~ /me, me down/, I’ll be ~ed, (colloq), (expressing surprise) aduh; ~ to /blazes, glory, kingdom come/, (act.) menyebabkan hancur berkecai; (pass.) hancur berkecai; st ~ wide open, membongkar sst: an incident which blew the scandal wide open, peristiwa yg telah membongkar skandal itu; ~ the whistle on st, put an end to st, menghentikan sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adv 1. at a high temperature, panas: glowing ~ coal, arang yg panas membara; 2. while hot, panas-panas, hangat-hangat: to serve the rice ~, menghidangkan nasi itu panas-panas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hot | adj 1. of, having relatively high temperature, panas, hangat: ~ day, hari yg panas; ~ water, air panas; ~ iron, besi hangat; the oven is not ~ enough, ketuhar itu tdk cukup panas; her forehead was ~, dahinya panas; ~ and tired, she lagged behind the other runners, oleh sebab panas dan letih, dia ketinggalan di belakang pelari-pelari lain; 2. producing burning sensation on tongue, pedas: ~ curries, kari yg pedas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heated | adj 1. become warm or hot, menjadi panas; 2. excited, impassioned, hangat; (of person) panas: a ~ argument, pertengkaran hangat; she gets very ~ whenever the subject is brought up, dia naik panas setiap kali perkara itu di timbulkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
charged | adj 1. full of, penuh: an emotionally ~ film, filem yg penuh emosi; 2. tending to cause controversy, hangat: a highly ~ question, persoalan yg sangat hangat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blow1 | ~ over, a. reda: the storm should soon ~ over, ribut itu akan reda tdk lama lagi; b. (fig.) berakhir, berlalu; (of scandal, controversy) tdk hangat lagi: the scandal will ~ over in a few months, skandal itu tdk hangat lagi dlm beberapa bulan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
battle royal | n 1. battle involving several combatants, /pertempuran, pertarungan/ besar-besaran; 2. violent argument, /perdebatan, pertengkaran/ /hangat, berapi-api/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hatch 1 | vt 1. cause (egg) to break to let the young out, menetaskan: she ~ed the egg by wrapping it in a warm blanket, dia menetaskan telur itu dgn membalutnya dlm gebar yg hangat; 2. also ~ up, contrive, merancang: I’m sure he is ~ing up a plot to overthrow the government, saya pasti dia sedang merancang suatu komplot utk menggulingkan kerajaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ironically | adv 1. it is ironic that, yg ironiknya: ~ enough, the show was a success, yg ironiknya, pertunjukkan itu mendapat sambutan hangat; 2. in ironical manner, dgn penuh ironi: she laughed ~, dia tertawa dgn penuh ironi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
argument | n 1. quarrel, dispute, pertengkaran, bertengkar, bertegang leher, berbantah; (involving younger family member, subordinate, etc) membantah, melawan: in the middle of a heated ~ he stormed out of the room, di tengah-tengah pertengkaran yg hangat itu dia mengamuk lalu keluar dr bilik; the child did as he was told without ~, anak itu membuat spt yg disuruh dgn tdk melawan; 2. debate, discussion, perdebatan, memperdebatkan: the two men spent hours on philosophical ~s, dua orang lelaki itu telah menghabiskan masa berjam-jam dlm perdebatan yg berunsur falsafah; it has been proved beyond ~ that..., telah dibuktikan dan tdk dapat diperdebatkan lagi bahawa...; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |