frowzy | adj 1. musty, pengap, hapak: a dark, ~ ship, kapal yg gelap dan hapak; 2. slatternly, selekeh: a ~ woman, seorang perempuan yg selekeh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fusty | adj 1. musty, mouldy, (berbau) hapak: the attic was ~, loteng itu berbau hapak; 2. old-fashioned, kolot: a ~ old professor, profesor tua yg kolot. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
air | n 1. gaseous substance enveloping earth, udara: to breathe in the mountain ~, menyedut udara gunung; the stale ~ in the cellar, udara hapak di bilik bawah tanah; ~ pressure, tekanan udara; 2. space above the earth, udara, angkasa, awang-awang(an): birds of the ~, burung-burung udara; battles fought in the ~, pertempuran yg berlaku di udara; Bombay seen from the ~, Bombay dilihat dr udara; 3. rel to flying or aircraft, udara: ~ freight, kargo udara; ~ travel, perjalanan dgn pesawat udara, penerbangan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |