Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

cautionn 1. wariness, heedfulness, sikap /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: a task requiring ~, satu tugas yg memerlukan sikap berhati-hati; /exercise, use/ ~, (ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada; with ~, dgn /(ber)hati-hati, berawas-awas, (ber)waspada/: this is a matter of national interest, you must proceed with ~, ini ialah soal kepentingan negara, kamu mesti menjalankannya dgn berwaspada; 2. warning, a. (gen) amaran: he was let off with a ~, dia dibebaskan dgn amaran; b. (on road signs) Awas!;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carefuladj 1. cautious, heedful, hati-hati, cermat: a ~ driver, pemandu yg hati-hati; be ~, berhati-hati; 2. thorough, teliti: a ~ study, suatu kajian yg teliti; 3. frugal, cermat, jimat, hemat: he is ~ with his money, dia cermat dgn wangnya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
charyadj 1. cautious, hati-hati: to be ~ of speaking one’s mind, hati-hati apabila melahirkan fikiran; 2. sparing, kedekut: ~ of praise, kedekut dgn pujian.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
carelessadj 1. negligent, cuai: a ~ mechanic, mekanik yg cuai; ~ work, kerja yg cuai; 2. incautious, kurang hati-hati: ~ hurtful remarks, kata-kata yg kurang hati-hati dan menyinggung perasaan; 3. caused by negligence, disebabkan oleh kecuaian, krn cuai: a ~ mistake, kesilapan (yg) disebabkan oleh kecuaian; 4. unstudied, bersahaja: ~ grace, gaya menarik yg bersahaja; 5. see CAREFREE;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
indiscretionn 1. lack of discretion, kurang /hemat, hati-hati/, tdk bijaksana; 2. indiscreet act, behaviour, /perbuatan, tingkah laku/ yg tdk bijaksana: one unfortunate ~ had jeopordized his whole career, krn melakukan perbuatan yg tdk bijaksana seluruh kerjayanya tergugat.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hurtn 1. physical injury, kecederaan; 2. damage to feelings, luka hati, hati yg luka: nothing could ease the ~ he felt, tiada apa yg dapat mengubat luka hatinya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
footingn 1. secure grip with the feet, berpijak dgn kukuh: be careful of your ~ on the ice, hati-hati kamu berpijak dgn kukuh di permukaan yg berais itu; 2. basis, position, tapak: the organization is now is on a firm ~, persatuan itu sudah mempunyai tapak yg kukuh sekarang; be on a war ~, bersedia utk berperang; put st on a war ~, mengarahkan supaya sst bersedia utk berperang: the government decided to put the army on a war ~, kerajaan memutuskan utk mengarahkan supaya tentera bersedia utk berperang; 3. (status) kedudukan; (relationship) hubungan: to be on an equal ~, mempunyai kedudukan yg sama; she was on a friendly ~ with her neighbours, dia mempunyai hubungan yg mesra dgn jiran-jiran;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cutvt 1. wound, melukai; (accidentally) luka: mind the sharp glass or you’ll ~ your hand, hati-hati dgn kaca yg tajam itu, nanti tangan kamu luka; the handcuffs ~ his wrists, gari itu melukai pergelangan tangannya; he ~ himself while shaving, dia luka sewaktu bercukur; 2. separate into parts a. (gen) memotong, mengerat: to ~ the wires with a pair of pliers, memotong wayar dgn playar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
considervt 1. think about, contemplate, menimbang, mempertimbangkan: you should ~ the matter carefully, kamu patut menimbang perkara ini dgn hati-hati; I’m ~ing buying a new car, saya sedang mempertimbangkan pembelian kereta baru; 2. regard as, reckon, menganggap: I ~ him unreliable, saya menganggap dia tdk boleh diharap; take any action you ~ necessary, ambillah sebarang tindakan yg kamu anggap perlu; ~ os, (used at the beginning of sentence), [not translated]: ~ yourself fired, kamu telah dipecat; 3. have regard for, menimbang, menenggang(kan); (person) memikirkan: she never ~ed her friend’s feelings, dia tdk pernah menenggang perasaan kawannya; you must ~ the other students, kamu harus memikirkan pelajar-pelajar lain;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
choosevt 1. pick, select, memilih: a man who ~s his words carefully, orang yg memilih kata-katanya dgn hati-hati; I think he will ~ the blue shirt, saya rasa dia akan memilih kemeja biru itu; 2. decide, memutuskan, membuat keputusan: she chose to take her holiday in September, dia membuat keputusan utk bercuti pd bulan September; he chose to be on his own, dia memutuskan utk tinggal bersendirian;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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