heel 1 | down at ~, a. (of shoe) haus; b. (of person) selekeh: he looked down at ~ and dispirited, dia kelihatan selekeh dan tdk bersemangat; (follow) /at, on/ so’s ~s, mengekori sso: his faithful dog followed at his ~s wherever he went, anjingnya yg setia mengekorinya ke mana saja dia pergi; (follow) on the ~s of, mengekori: an epidemic usually follows on the ~s of a natural disaster, wabak selalunya mengekori kejadian bencana alam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gasping | adj (UK), ( colloq)very thirsty, sangat /haus, dahaga/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heel 1 | n 1. (of foot, shoe, stocking, sock) tumit: the ~ of my shoe is worn down, tumit kasut saya sudah haus; high ~s, tumit tinggi; 2. (of hand) pangkal tapak tangan; 3. (sl) contemptible person, keparat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
friction | n 1. (phys) geseran; 2. rubbing of two bodies, pergeseran: ~ caused the rope to wear and eventually break, pergeseran menyebabkan tali itu haus dan akhirnya putus; 3. conflict, pergeseran, perselisihan: the decision caused ~ among the members, keputusan itu menyebabkan pergeseran di kalangan ahli kumpulan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fine1 | b. suitable, sesuai: this house is ~ for a small family, rumah ini sesuai utk keluarga yg kecil; c. sufficient, cukup: I’m not very thirsty – half a glass will be ~, saya tdk berapa haus – setengah gelas sudah cukup; d. (indic agreement to suggestion, statement, etc) baiklah: “Shall we eat now?” “F~”, “Apa kata kalau kita makan sekarang?” “ Baiklah”; “I’m just going to the bank” “F~”, “Saya hendak pergi ke bank dulu” “Baiklah”; e. (indic satisfaction that subject needs no further discussion) bagus, baik: are there any more questions? No? F~, ada soalan lagi? Tak ada? Bagus; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dry | drpd telaga minyak itu sudah kering sekarang; 8. without sufficient rainfall, kering: we have had a very hot, ~ summer, musim panas kali ini kering dan berbahang; for the wild animals, life is difficult in the ~ season, bagi binatang-binatang liar, kehidupan sukar dlm musim kering; ~ climate, iklim kering; 9. (colloq) thirsty, tekak [sso] kering, [sso] kering tekak, haus, dahaga: I’m so ~ I could drink a gallon of water, kering betul tekak saya, segelen air pun saya boleh minum; 10. having little saliva, kering: his mouth felt ~ after the injection, mulutnya berasa kering selepas dia diberi suntikan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |