here | interj 1. (to call so’s attention) hei: ~! what’s all the fuss, hei! apa yg disibuk-sibukkan ini; ~! stop that!, hey! jangan!; look ~, dengar sini: look ~, you can’t just wear anything you like. This is an office, dengar sini, kamu tdk boleh memakai apa yg kamu suka. Ini pejabat; 2. (to give st) nah: ~, you can have it, nah, ambillah; 3. (to introduce a command) dengar sini!: ~, you had better do what you are told, dengar sini! lebih baik kamu buat apa yg disuruh; 4. (to comfort) sudahlah: ~, don’t cry, sudahlah, jangan menangis; 5. (in roll-call) saya, ada: “Ali?”, “H~!,” “Ali?”, “Saya!”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hey | interj hei. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |