hectare | n hektar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
farm | vt 1. use (land) for cultivation, mengerjakan: he ~s 4 hectares of oil palm, dia mengerjakan 4 hektar ladang kelapa sawit; 2. raise (livestock etc) on a farm, menternakkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apiece | adv 1. (rel to person) seorang, masing-masing, setiap seorang: they were given six hectares ~, mereka diberi enam hektar seorang; 2. (rel to thing) setiap, /setiap, tiap-tiap/ satu; (modifying the v “cost”) se + approp classifier: those ships can carry 600 metric tons ~, setiap kapal itu dapat membawa muatan seberat 600 tan metrik; poles that measure 2 metres ~, tiang-tiang yg panjangnya 2 meter sebatang; the mangoes cost one ringgit ~, buah mangga itu berharga seringgit sebiji. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | his studies ~ a wide field, pengajiannya merangkumi bidang yg luas; no rule can ~ all contingencies, tdk ada peraturan yg boleh mencakupi semua kemungkinan; the farm ~s more than 100 hectares, ladang itu meliputi kawasan lebih drpd 100 hektar; 9. travel the distance of, meliputi jarak: we ~ed 200 km on the first day, kami meliputi jarak 200 km pd hari pertama; 10. shield, protect, melindungi: warships ~ed the landing of troops, kapal perang melindungi pendaratan askar-askar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crop | vt 1. cut off, a. (person’s hair), /menggunting, memotong/ pendek; b. (horse’s tail) mengontotkan, mengompotkan; c. (grass, lawn, hedge) memotong, memangkas; 2. (of animals) eat off tops of grass etc, meragut, memakan: the sheep ~ped the grass short, kambing biri-biri meragut rumput sehingga pendek; 3. plant, menanami (dgn + approp n): to ~ a field with barley, menanami ladang dgn barli; he decided not to ~ the remaining twenty hectares, dia membuat keputusan tdk akan menanami baki tanah sebanyak dua puluh hektar lagi (dgn kelapa sawit); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |