interest | n 1. desire to want to know, learn about st, minat: she takes little ~ in the business, dia tdk menunjukkan minat thdp perniagaan itu; the boy examined the machine with great ~, budak itu membelek-belek mesin tersebut dgn penuh minat; the competition has excited world-wide ~, pertandingan itu telah membangkitkan minat seluruh dunia; he has completely lost ~ in the subject, dia sudah hilang minat dlm perkara itu; the book did not hold my ~, buku itu tdk menguasai minat saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fizzle | ~ out, (colloq), [various translations]: the play was exciting in the beginning but eventually ~d out, pd mulanya drama itu menyeronokkan tetapi makin lama makin hambar; interest in the new car soon ~d out, minat pd kereta baru itu tdk lama kemudian hilang begitu sahaja; their relationship which started passionately ~d out once the novelty wore off, hubungan mereka yg pd mulanya penuh berahi lama kelamaan mati apabila kemanisannya hilang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |