hurly-burly | n (suasana) /riuh-rendah, hiruk-pikuk/: he found the ~ of city life annoying, dia mendapati suasana hiruk-pikuk hidup di bandar menjengkelkan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bedlam | n 1. wild, noisy place, (tempat yg) /riuh-rendah, dlm keadaan hiruk-pikuk/: the house is a regular ~, rumah itu sentiasa riuh-rendah; 2. scene, situation of uproar, (keadaan yg) /riuh-rendah, hiruk-pikuk/: there was ~ in the house when we arrived, rumah itu sewaktu kami sampai riuh-rendah; 3. (old use) lunatic asylum, /hospital, rumah sakit/ gila. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
itself | pron 1. a. (as obj of verb), (when subj is person, animal, organization, country, government, etc) dirinya; (when subj is thing), [not translated]: the baby has scratched ~, bayi itu tercakar dirinya; the club made ~ unpopular by holding rowdy parties that last until dawn, kelab itu menjadikan dirinya tdk disukai krn mengadakan majlis tari menari yg hiruk-pikuk yg hanya berakhir pd waktu subuh; the problem that presented ~ was not one that was easy of solution, masalah yg timbul bukanlah masalah yg dapat diselesaikan dgn mudah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |