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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

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Definisi : mendatar: garis ~. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata horizontal

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

horizontal mobilityn mobiliti mendatar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
horizontal barn palang lintang.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
horizontaladj 1. along, parallel to horizon, ground, mendatar; (math & phys) mengufuk: ~ stripes, jalur-jalur melintang; ~ plane, satah mengufuk; ~ line, garis mengufuk; ~ axis, paksi mengufuk; 2. (sociol & econ) mendatar: ~ group, kelompok mendatar; ~ amalgamation, gabungan mendatar.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
forb. (horizontal distance), [not translated], sejauh; (when distance is specified) sejauh: the plain stretched ~ hundreds of miles, dataran itu terbentang beratus-ratus batu; the river runs ~ twenty miles before it reaches the sea, sungai itu mengalir sejauh dua puluh batu sebelum bertemu dgn laut; c. (vertical distance) setinggi, tingginya: the white cliffs rise steeply out of the sea ~ at least 100 metres, cenuram putih itu menegak sekurang-kurangnya setinggi 100 meter; 6. in support, favour of, menyokong: he was neither ~ nor against the proposal, dia tdk menyokong dan juga tdk menentang cadangan itu; three cheers ~ so., tiga sorakan untuk sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
cross 5. horizontal line, palang: the ~ on the letter “t”, palang pd huruf “t”; 6. (medal) pingat: the Victoria C~, Pingat Victoria; 7. result of interbreeding, kacukan: she is a ~ between a Malay and a Chinese, dia ialah kacukan antara Melayu dgn Cina; a mule is a ~ between a horse and a donkey, baghal ialah kacukan antara kuda dgn keldai; 8. mixture, campuran; (of characteristics) campuran sifat: this drink is a ~ between coffee and tea, minuman ini ialah campuran kopi dgn teh; 9. suffering, penderitaan: to bear o’s ~, menanggung penderitaan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
beamn 1. horizontal structural support, a. (of floor) rasuk; b. (of roof) alang (bumbung); c. (of bridge) galang (jambatan); d. (in ship) pelancar; 2. cylindrical roller in loom, gelendong, kumparan; 3. main timber of plough, kayu /bajak, tenggala/; 4. bar of balance, batang (dacing); 5. breadth of ship, lebar kapal, lebar(nya); 6. ray, column (of light) pancaran, sinaran, sorotan: a ~ of light, pancaran cahaya; to lower the ~ of the headlights, merendahkan pancaran lampu besar (kereta); high ~, /suluh, sinar/ tinggi; /suluh, sinar/ rendah; 7. radio signal, alur radio; 8. radiant smile, senyum(an) yg berseri-seri;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
flat1adj 1. level and horizontal, datar: the floor is not ~, lantai itu tdk datar; the house has a ~ roof, rumah itu berbumbung datar; 2. even, rata: every morning the butler smoothed the newspaper ~ with a warm iron, setiap pagi butler itu menyeterika rata surat khabar dgn seterika yg suam; 3. having little depth, thickness, leper: a ~ plate, pinggan leper; ~ cakes, kek leper; a ~ cap, topi leper; ~ shoes, kasut leper; 4. with broad, level surface, a. (of face) leper, pipih; b. (of nose) pesek, penyek, pipih; 5. (of tyre) deflated, kempis; 6. definite, bulat-bulat, mentah-mentah: he gave a ~ refusal to their request, dia menolak bulat-bulat permintaan mereka;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inversionvt 1. turn, place upside down, menterbalikkan; (open-mouthed receptacle onto horizontal surface) menelangkupkan, menelungkupkan: he ~ed the glass over the moth, dia menelangkupkan gelas itu utk memerangkap rama-rama tersebut; 2. reverse order or position, menyongsangkan, menterbalikkan: if we ~ “ABC” we get “CBA”, kalau kita menyongsangkan “ABC” ia menjadi “CBA”;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
gridn 1. see GRIDIRON (sense 1.); 2. horizontal and vertical lines on map etc, grid; 3. network of electric power connection, gas supply lines, grid; 4. metal or wooden framework of criss-crossing bars, jaring-jaring: a wire ~, jaring-jaring dawai.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lay 1 vt 1. set down, place, meletakkan; (in vertical position) menyandarkan; (in horizontal position) membaringkan: he laid a restraining hand on the child’s shoulder, dia meletakkan tangannya pd bahu budak itu utk menahannya; the Prime Minister laid the foundation stone last week, Perdana Menteri meletakkan batu asas minggu lalu; ~ your shovel against the wall and come over here, sandarkan penyodok kamu pd dinding dan mari sini; they laid the wounded soldier down on the ground, mereka membaringkan askar yg cedera itu di atas tanah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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