Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

Definisi : n 1. management of household, pengurusan rumah (tangga); 2. also housekeeping money, money alloted for household needs, belanja rumah. (Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata housekeeping

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

housekeepingn 1. management of household, pengurusan rumah (tangga); 2. also housekeeping money, money alloted for household needs, belanja rumah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
honourableadj worthy of honour, mulia; (of a course of action) terhormat: I’m sure his motives were competely ~, saya pasti niatnya benar-benar mulia; an ~ man, lelaki yg mulia; housekeeping is an ~ task, mengurus rumah tangga ialah pekerjaan yg mulia; the only ~ course to take would be to resign, satu-satunya jalan terhormat yg boleh diambil adalah meletakkan jawatan; ~ mention, sebutan khas.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
whatb. important facts or conditions, selok-belok: you can take his advice with confidence, he knows ~’s ~, when it comes to buying stock and shares, kamu boleh terima nasihatnya ttg membeli saham, dia tahu selok-beloknya; ~ with, lebih-lebih lagi: ~ with having a full-time job, three children and no domestic help, she had no time for social life, lebih-lebih lagi dgn kerja sepenuh masa, tiga orang anak dan tanpa pembantu rumah, dia tdk ada masa utk bercampur gaul; /give, get/ ~ for, (colloq) menghamun: he gave his wife ~ for when he found she’d lost the housekeeping money at a mah jong party, dia menghamun isterinya apabila mengetahui bahawa isterinya menghabiskan duit belanjaan rumah di tempat main mahjung; so ~!, peduli apa!: You’ll lose your job.” “So ~ ? I’ll get another!”, “Nanti kamu kena buang kerja.” “Peduli apa! Saya cari kerja lain!”.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
part8.(mus) bahagian; 9. one of a series, (of TV serial, play, etc) bahagian; (of encyclopaedia) jilid: a four ~ TV serial, siri TV yg mempunyai empat bahagian; 10. section of film, programme, etc, bahagian: the exiciting passage is in the last ~ of the book, bahagian yg menyeronokkan terdapat di bahagian akhir buku itu; 11. particular period of time, bahagian; (of age) masa: the earlier ~ of the fifteenth century, bahagian awal abad kelima belas; my youth was the most lonely ~ of my life, zaman remaja ialah masa yg paling sunyi dlm hidup saya; 12. feature, (of system) bahagian; (of housekeeping,character) [not translated]: ~s theKamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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