ideal | n 1. st regarded as perfect, /sst, sso/ yg ideal; (st or so. one desires), /sst, sso/ idaman, impian: absolute truth is an ~, kebenaran yg mutlak ialah sst yg ideal; he considered himself the ~ of an English gentleman, dia menganggap dirinya lelaki Inggeris yg ideal; she hasn’t met her ~ yet, dia belum bertemu lelaki idamannya lagi; 2. (often in pl) principle, prinsip, cita-cita: the ~s of truth and justice, prinsip kebenaran dan keadilan; a /man, woman/ of high ~s, /lelaki, wanita/ yg bercita-cita tinggi; 3. goal, desire, impian, cita-cita, idaman: his ~ is to become a famous musician, cita-citanya adalah utk menjadi ahli muzik yg terkenal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ideal | adj 1. conceived as perfect, unggul, ideal: in an ~ society, poverty would not exist, dlm masyarakat yg ideal, kemiskinan tdk akan wujud; 2. excellent, paling /baik, sesuai/: the ~ spot for a picnic, tempat yg paling sesuai utk berkelah; ~ weather for a holiday, cuaca yg paling baik utk bercuti; 3. highly desirable, (menjadi) /impian, idaman/: the ~ husband, suami idaman; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ideal gas | n gas unggul. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ego-ideal | n (psychol) keunggulan ego. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idealize, idealise | vt menganggap /sso, sst/ (sbg) /sso, sst/ yg ideal. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apotheosis | n 1. act of raising to divine status, pendewaan; 2. glorification, pengagungan: the ~ of Milton,pengagungan Milton; 3. glorified, deified ideal, contoh murni: she is the ~ of kindness,dialah contoh murni kebaikan hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dream | n 1. sequence of images experienced during sleep, mimpi: to wake up from a bad ~, terjaga dr mimpi yg menakutkan; sweet ~s!, mimpi manis!; 2. daydream, khayalan, lamunan; ~ world, alam /khayalan, impian/; 3. state of mind in which one is abstracted, khayalan: he has been going about in a ~ since he fell in love, dia hidup dlm khayalan sejak dia jatuh cinta; 4. (ideal) idaman, impian; (aspiration) impian: the man of her ~s, lelaki idamannya; his ~ was to become a millionaire, impiannya adalah utk menjadi seorang jutawan; the car of your ~s, kereta impianmu; 5. (colloq) so. or st which is very beautiful, enjoyable, wonderful, etc, [various translations]: she was a ~ in white lace, dia spt bidadari dgn pakaian baju renda serba putih; the house was really a ~, rumah itu betul-betul spt mahligai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cause | n 1. person, thing, etc that produces an effect, sebab, punca: the ~s of the French Revolution, sebab-sebab berlakunya Revolusi Perancis; 2. ground, justification, sebab: there is no ~ for anxiety, tdk ada sebab utk berasa bimbang; no ~ for regrets, tdk ada sebab utk menyesal; give so. ~ for, menyebabkan sso: your behaviour gives me ~ for concern, tingkah laku awak menyebabkan saya berasa bimbang; 3. purpose of an effort or struggle, tujuan: to work for a good ~, berkhidmat utk tujuan baik; 4. ideal of group or movement, perjuangan: the Palestinian ~, perjuangan rakyat Palestin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |