graduate | vi 1. obtain degree from university or college, /mendapat, memperoleh/ ijazah: she ~d in law last year, dia mendapat ijazah undang-undang tahun lalu; to ~ with honours, mendapat ijazah dgn kepujian; 2. gain qualification, lulus sbg: he ~d as an engineer, dia lulus sbg jurutera; 3. (US) complete a course from other institutions, lulus: she never ~d from high school, dia tdk lulus sekolah tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
graduation | n 1. act of receiving a university degree or diploma, /mendapat, memperoleh/ /ijazah, diploma/; 2. ceremony at which degrees or diploma are conferred, upacara penyampaian /ijazah, diploma/; 3. mark(s) indic degrees of measurement, senggatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
degree | n 1. unit of measurement, darjah: ~ of longitude, darjah longitud; 30 ~s Fahrenheit, 30 darjah Fahrenheit; an angle of 90 ~s,sudut 90 darjah; 2. stage in scale of intensity, tingkat, tahap: varying ~s of skill, tingkat kemahiran yg berbeza-beza; a high ~ of intelligence,tingkat kecerdasan yg tinggi; 3. extent, /sejauh, setakat/ mana: the ~ of freedom which should be allowed, sejauh mana kebebasan patut dibenarkan; 4. measure, sedikit sebanyak, [or not translated]: we all need a ~ of self-discipline, kita semua memerlukan sedikit sebanyak disiplin diri; to have a considerable ~ of influence, mempunyai pengaruh yg besar; 5. social status, martabat, darjat, taraf: a man of low ~, lelaki yg rendah martabatnya; 6. academic title, ijazah: a master’s ~, ijazah sarjana; 7. (gram.) darjah: the superlative ~, darjah superlatif; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
higher | adj 1. compar of HIGH; 2. more advanced, tinggi: ~ school certificate, sijil tinggi persekolahan; ~ degree, ijazah tinggi; 3. (biol) peringkat tinggi: ~ animals, haiwan peringkat tinggi; ~ plants, tumbuhan peringkat tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hold 1 | 9. not be beaten by, mempertahankan diri drpd: the soldiers could not ~ the enemy, askar-askar itu tdk dapat mempertahankan diri drpd musuh; 10. detain, menahan: he was being held for questioning, dia ditahan utk disoal siasat; six civilians were held hostage, enam orang awam telah ditahan sbg tebusan; 11. possess, memegang, memiliki: he ~s shares in the company, dia memegang syer dlm syarikat itu; he ~s a degree in Science, dia memegang ijazah Sains; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bond | vt 1. place under bond, meletakkan [sst] dlm ikatan: the customs have ~ed these goods, kastam telah meletakkan barang-barang ini dlm ikatan; 2. put so. in bond, mengikat, terikat: the government ~ed him for 5 years after graduation, dia terikat dgn kerajaan selama 5 tahun selepas mendapat ijazah; 3. (brick-laying) lay bricks in an overlapping pattern, mengikat bata; 4. (chem) mengikat; 5. join securely with glue, cement, etc, melekatkan, merekatkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
award | n 1. st conferred, bestowed, a. (prize) hadiah: his horse was given the highest ~ in the show, kudanya diberi hadiah tertinggi dlm pertunjukan itu; b. (honour) anugerah; (given by head of state) anugerah, kurnia(an): the National Literary A~, Anugerah Sastera Negara; c. (grant) hadiah bantuan: a postgraduate ~, hadiah bantuan ijazah lanjutan; 2. decision made by judge, arbitrator, award: to set aside an ~, mengetepikan sst award; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |