bail1 | n 1. (security) jaminan, ikat jamin, ~ was fixed at $5,000, jaminan ditetapkan sebanyak $5,000; forfeit (o’s) ~, (colloq) jump ~, tdk menghadirkan diri di mahkamah; /go, stand/ ~ for so., /menjadi penjamin, menjamin/ sso; on ~, dgn ikat jamin: he was out on ~, dia bebas dgn ikat jamin; 2. (person acting as surety) penjamin; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bundle | n 1. group of things bound together, ikat, berkas: ~s of newspapers, berikat-ikat surat khabar; a ~ of sticks, seikat kayu: in ~s of, dlm /ikatan, berkas/: the letters were tied up in ~s of 50, surat-surat itu diikat dlm berkas lima puluh lima puluh; 2. things wrapped together, bungkus: a ~ of dirty clothes, sebungkus pakaian kotor; 3. (sl) large sum of money, wang (yg) berkoyan-koyan; 4. (biol) berkas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
faggot1 | (US) fagot n bundle of twigs, sticks, /ikat, berkas/ /ranting, kayu/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
belt | n 1. waistband, tali pinggang, kendit, kemendit, ikat pinggang, sabuk; 2. narrow band, strip of colour, jalur; 3. area characterized by distinctive feature, kawasan: the wheat ~, kawasan gandum; the green ~ around the city, kawasan hijau di keliling bandar raya itu; 4. (worn as mark of rank, distinction) tali pinggang; 5. (mech) tali sawat, sabuk: conveyor ~, tali sawat penyampai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fast1 | make st ~, approp + dgn /kukuh, teguh/: make the rope ~, ikat tali itu dgn kukuh; pull a ~ one on so., /mengenakan, menipu/ sso; take a ~ hold of, memegang dgn /kuat, kejap/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
girdle | n 1. woman’s corset, korset, bengkung; 2. belt or band, /tali, ikat/ pinggang, sabuk, kendit; 3. (liter.) st that encircles, lingkungan: a ~ of trees around the lake, selingkungan pokok mengelilingi tasik; 4. (anat) girdel: pelvic ~, girdel pelvik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bootstrap | n 1. looped strap on back, side of boot, gelung but; /pull, raise/ os up by o’s (own) /~s, bootlaces/ a. succeed through o’s own efforts, berjaya hasil titik peluh sso sendiri; b. work at improving o’s position unaided by anyone else, berusaha memperbaik keadaannya sendiri; 2. (computer technology) ikat but. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |