implication | n (fml) 1. implicating or being implicated, terbabit(nya): his ~ in the affair was not generally nown, ramai yg tdk tahu bahawa dia terbabit dlm hal itu; 2. implying or being implied, menunjukkan; by ~, secara tdk langsung: neither by word nor by ~ did I suggest such a thing, saya tdk pernah mencadangkan perkara itu baik secara langsung atau secara tdk langsung; 3. st implied, implikasi: what are the ~s of the government’s decision to increase the salaries of public servants?, apakah implikasi keputusan kerajaan utk menaikkan gaji kakitangan kerajaan?. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
large | adj 1. of considerable size, besar; (of field, piece of land, etc) luas; (of person), (berangka, rangkanya) besar: the greenhouse effect has serious implications for ~ areas of the world, kesan rumah tanaman mempunyai implikasi serius thdp sebahagian besar kawasan di dunia; I’ll take the ~ size to be on the safe side, lebih selamat jika saya mengambil saiz besar; one of the ~ mammals, salah satu drpd mamalia yg besar; a ~ room, sebuah bilik besar; he has a ~ family, dia mempunyai keluarga yg besar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |