Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

Definisi : ukuran panjang yg bersamaan dgn 1/12 kaki atau 2.54 sentimeter: paku itu panjangnya empat ~. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata inci I

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

inch<i>ni> 1. (<i>unit of measurementi>) inci: <i>one square ~,i> satu inci persegi; <i>annual rainfall of 100 ~es,i> hujan tahunan sebanyak 100 inci; <i>he cut an ~ off the end of the plank,i> dia memotong satu inci drpd hujung papan itu; 2. <i>very small amount, degree, distance,i> sedikit pun: <i>he didn’t move an ~,i> dia tdk bergerak sedikit pun; <i>she would’nt yield an ~,i> dia tdk mahu mengalah sedikit pun;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
column inch<i>ni> ruang inci.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
exactto be ~, lebih tepat lagi: <i>he is over six feet tall – six feet two inches to be ~,i> tingginya lebih drpd enam kaki – lebih tepat lagi enam kaki dua inci;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dust<i>ni> 1. <i>finely powdered earth, waste matter,i> habuk, debu: <i>the ~ on the furniture was about half an inch thick,i> habuk di atas perabot itu lebih kurang setengah inci tebalnya; <i>a cloud of ~,i> debu yg berterbangan; 2. (<i>of metali>) debu: <i>zinc ~,i> debu zink; gold ~, emas urai;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
inch~ by ~, sedikit demi sedikit: <i>the army moved ~ by ~ further into enemy territory,i> pasukan tentera itu mara sedikit demi sedikit ke dlm awasan musuh; by ~es, <i>only just,i> nyaris (-nyaris), cemas(-cemas), hampir(-hampir): <i>the bullet missed him by ~es,i> peluru itu nyaris-nyaris terkena padanya; every ~, a. <i>in all respects,i> benar-benar, betul-betul: <i>she is every ~ a lady,i> dia benar-benar wanita yg bersopan; b. <i>entirely,i> setiap inci: <i>he nows every ~ of the road,i> dia tahu setiap inci jalan itu; c. <i>the whole distance,i> sepanjang: <i>they had to fight every ~ of the way,i> mereka terpaksa berlawan sepanjang jalan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fall2. <i>st that falls,i> runtuhan: <i>a ~ of earth and rocks blocked the mouth of the tunnel,i> runtuhan tanah dan batu menyekat muka terowong itu; 3. <i>amount of rain etc that falls,i> turunan: <i>a 20-inch ~ of rain,i> turunan hujan sebanyak 20 inci; 4. <i>manner in which st hangs down,i> a. (<i>of skirti>) tergantungnya; b. (<i>of hairi>) terjurainya, mengurainya; 5. <i>distance that st falls,i> jarak menurun: <i>the river has a ~ of 500 feet,i> sungai itu mempunyai jarak menurun 500 kaki; 6. (US) <i>autumn,i> musim /luruh, gugur/; 7. (<i>often in pli>) <i>waterfall,i> air terjun: <i>Niagara F~s,i> Air Terjun Niagara; 8. <i>downward slope, decline,i> kelandaian: <i>the ~ of the roof,i> kelandaian bumbung itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
denomination<i>ni> 1. <i>name,i> nama: <i>to be known under several ~s,i> dikenali dgn beberapa nama; 2. <i>religious sect,i> mazhab; 3. <i>class of unit,i> a. (<i>of weight and measurei>) unit: <i>metric ~,i> unit metrik; <i>the smallest ~ is the inch,i> unit yg paling kecil ialah inci; b. (<i>of numberi>) unit: <i>to reduce fractions to the same ~,i> mengubah pecahan kpd unit yg sama; c. (<i>of moneyi>) jenis mata wang, peringkat nilai: <i>dollar notes in small ~s,i> wang kertas dlm jenis mata wang yg kecil.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
height<i>ni> 1. <i>measurement from bottom to top,i> tinggi(nya): <i>the ~ of the hill is 700 metres,i> tinggi bukit itu ialah 700 meter; <i>she is 1.5 metres in ~,i> tinggi perempuan itu ialah 1.5 meter; <i>she is of medium ~,i> dia sederhana tingginya; to the ~ of, setinggi: <i>after a heavy rainfall, the water in the drain rose to the ~ of several inches,i> selepas hujan lebat, air dlm parit itu naik setinggi beberapa inci; 2. <i>being tall,i> tinggi: <i>she’d be able to reach the top of the shelf because of her ~,i> dia boleh mencapai bahagian atas rak krn dia tinggi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
foot<i>ni> 1. <i>part of body at the end of the leg,i> kaki: <i>he has large feet,i> kakinya besar; <i>the cat lay curled at her feet,i> kucing tidur berlingkar di kakinya; <i>~ pump,i> pam kaki; 2. <i>operating on foot,i> (dgn) berjalan kaki: <i>~ soldier,i> askar berjalan kaki; <i>~ patrol,i> rondaan dgn berjalan kaki; 3. (<i>unit of measurementi>) kaki: <i>she’s five feet two,i> tingginya lima kaki dua inci; <i>a three foot rule,i> kayu pembaris yg panjangnya tiga kaki; <i>she stood two feet away from the group,i> dia berdiri jarak dua kaki dr mereka; <i>you’ll find the reference at the ~ of the page,i> kamu akan dapati rujukannya di kaki halaman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dispute<i>vti> 1. <i>argue, quarrel over,i> /bertikai, berbalah/ ttg: <i>for years they ~d the ownership of the land,i> bertahun-tahun mereka bertikai ttg pemilikan tanah itu; 2. <i>questioni> (<i>the truth, validity ofi>) mempertikaikan, mempersoalkan: <i>to ~ a claim,i> mempertikaikan tuntutan; <i>to ~ a decision,i> mempersoalkan sst keputusan; 3. <i>try to prevent possession of,i> mempertahankan: <i>our troops ~d every inch of the ground,i> tentera kita mempertahankan setiap inci tanah.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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