indicator | n 1. (lit. & fig.) penunjuk: the ~ showed that he had forgotten to put on his seat belt, penunjuk itu menandakan bahawa dia terlupa memasang tali pinggang keledarnya; the sudden increase in foreign investment is an ~ that the economy is picking up, pertambahan pelaburan asing yg mendadak merupakan penunjuk bahawa ekonomi beransur pulih; 2. light on car which indicates which way it is turning, lampu penunjuk: the left ~ is broken, lampu penunjuk kiri sudah pecah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
index | n 1. (alphabetical list at back of book) indeks; 2. (in library science) collection of cards that list titles of books etc, indeks; 3. sign, tanda: the result of the by-election could well be an ~ of the party’s popularity, keputusan pilihan raya kecil mungkin merupakan tanda kepopularan parti itu; 4. indicator (on dial, barometer, etc) jarum (penunjuk); 5. number, ratio, that indicates relative level of prices or wages which can be compared to a former level, indeks: the cost of living ~ rose abruptly, indeks kos sara hidup naik secara mendadak; economic indices, indeks ekonomi; 6. (math) indeks: ~ notation, tatatanda indeks; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |