informal | adj 1. not formal, tdk rasmi: the President paid them an ~ visit, Presiden itu membuat lawatan tdk rasmi ke tempat mereka; an ~ interview, temu duga yg tdk rasmi; have an ~ /talk, discussion, gathering, etc/, berbual, berbincang, berkumpul, dll/ secara tdk rasmi: they are having an ~ discussion on the terrace, mereka sedang berbincang secara tdk rasmi di laman; 2. casual, a. (of social occasion) informal: an ~ dinner party, jamuan makan malam informal; b. (of clothes) bersahaja, kasual; c. (of behaviour) bersahaja: he prefers to be ~, dia lebih suka bersahaja; 3. (of word, style of writing, etc) tdk formal: “sweet-shop” is an ~ word for “confectioner’s”, “sweet-shop” ialah perkataan tdk formal bagi perkataan “confectioner’s”. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
informality | n 1. quality of being not formal, tdk rasmi; 2. quality of being casual, a. (of social occasion) informal: there was a happy ~ about the occasion, majlis itu nampaknya informal saja dan meriah; b. (of behaviour) sikap bersahaja: they were suprised by his ~, mereka hairan dgn sikapnya yg bersahaja itu; c. (of greeting etc) bersahaja. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hello | interj (as an informal greeting or to begin telephone conversation) helo. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gossip | 2. (often derog) informal writing about the private lives of well-known personalities, social incidents, etc, desas-desus, gosip: a ~ columnist, penulis ruangan gosip; 3. friendly chat, berbual-bual, bersembang: she liked to have a ~ with her neighbour, dia suka berbual-bual dgn jirannya; 4. scandal monger, tattler, kaki umpat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | n 1. formal discussion, perdebatan, perbahasan: parliamentary ~, perdebatan parlimen; 2. informal discussion, berdebat: after the lengthy ~ they decided to drop the matter, selepas berdebat dgn panjang lebar mereka memutuskan utk melupakan perkara itu; 3. (contest) pertandingan bahas: an inter-school ~, pertandingan bahas antara sekolah; /in, under/ ~, yg /di(per)bahaskan, di(per)debatkan, dipersoalkan/: the issue under ~, isu yg diperbahaskan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
debate | vi 1. engage in formal discussion, berdebat, berbahas: they were still debating when the House rose, mereka masih berdebat apabila Dewan bersurai; 2. engage in informal discussion, berdebat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
casual | adj 1. accidental, secara kebetulan: a ~ meeting, pertemuan secara kebetulan; 2. without specific purpose, biasa: a ~ conversation, perbualan biasa; 3. indifferent, nonchalant, bersahaja: a ~ glance, pandangan yg bersahaja; a ~ manner, gaya yg bersahaja; 4. informal, kasual, bersahaja: ~ wear, pakaian kasual; 5. unmethodical, careless, sambil /lewa, lalu/; (of person), (bersikap) sambil lewa: ~ inspection, pemeriksaan sambil lewa; 6. not permanent, sambilan: ~ labourers, buruh-buruh sambilan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |