Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

hereinadv (fml) 1. in this, di dlm ini: the cheque enclosed ~, cek yg terlampir di dlm ini; ... and ~ is contained all the information, ... dan di dlm ini terkandung segala maklumat; 2. in this situation etc, di sinilah: ~ lies the danger, di sinilah terletaknya bahaya.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
latelyadv 1. recently, up until now, (sejak) /akhir-akhir, kebelakangan/ ini: I’ve been very busy ~ and haven’t been able to do it, saya sangat sibuk sejak akhir-akhir ini dan tdk dapat membuatnya; 2. (fml) until recently, sebelum ini: Prof. Jones ~ of Chicago is now at Colombia, Prof. Jones yg sebelum ini di Universiti Chicago sekarang di Universiti Colombia.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
hereafteradv 1. fter this, selepas ini: in the hope that such crimes are not repeated ~, dgn harapan jenayah-jenayah spt itu tdk berulang lagi selepas ini; 2. (in documents) kemudian dr ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
date1n 1. specified day of month, hari bulan, tarikh, tanggal: today’s ~ is the 16th of February, hari ini 16 hari bulan Februari or hari ini tanggal 16 Februari; 2. specific day, year of event, tarikh: the ~ of the Portuguese attack on Malacca, tarikh Feringgi menyerang Melaka; the ~ for the elections has been fixed, tarikh pilihan raya itu telah ditetapkan; ~ of birth, tarikh lahir; 3. statement or inscription in, on letter, book, coin, etc, tarikh, hari bulan, tanggal, [usu tarikh]: to insert a ~, membubuh tarikh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
file1vt 1. also ~ away, place in a file, memfailkan: please ~ this letter, tolong failkan surat ini; 2. submit officially, mendaftarkan: he ~d an application for a patent, dia mendaftarkan permohonan utk paten; no charges were ~d after the accident, tdk ada tuduhan yg didaftarkan selepas kemalangan itu; 3. send in (report, news, story) mengirim: I’ve got to ~ this report before seven o’clock, saya mesti mengirim laporan ini sebelum pukul tujuh;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
down1(an illness), (colloq) kena: it’s the third time I’ve come ~ with the flu this month, ini kali ketiga saya kena flu bulan ini; come ~ on so., memarahi sso;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
currentadj 1. of, belonging to the present, sekarang, pd masa ini; (tech or fml) semasa: his ~ lady friend, teman wanitanya sekarang; what’s his ~ job?, apakah pekerjaannya sekarang?; ~ events, peristiwa-peristiwa semasa; ~ trends in business, arah aliran semasa dlm perniagaan; 2. in wide circulation, a. (of word, expression) meluas (penggunaannya): these words are no longer in ~ use, perkataan-perkataan ini tdk lagi meluas penggunaannya; b. (of rumour etc) tersebar luas; c. (of coin) digunakan pd masa ini;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
altogetheradv 1. entirely, completely, sama sekali: this is a different question ~, ini persoalan yg lain sama sekali; 2. on the whole, pd /keseluruhannya, umumnya/: ~ this school compares favourably with the others, pd keseluruhannya sekolah ini lebih baik jika dibandingkan dgn sekolah-sekolah yg lain; 3. in all, semua sekali: how much is that ~?, berapa harganya semua sekali?;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
examplen 1. typical specimen or instance, contoh: this is a fine ~ of Renaissance art, ini ialah satu contoh seni zaman Renaissance yg baik; 2. fact or thing illustrating general rule, contoh: this dictionary gives many ~s, kamus ini memberikan contoh yg banyak; 3. a. person who is worthy of being copied, contoh: a diligent worker, he was an ~ to the rest of the employee’s, seorang pekerja yg rajin dia menjadi contoh kpd pekerja-pekerja lain, b. behaviour, quality that is worthy of being copied, teladan, contoh: their courage in the face of the enemy should be an ~ to us all, keberanian mereka menghadapi musuh sepatutnya menjadi teladan bagi kita semua; 4. warning, teladan, peringatan: let his fate be an ~ to you, biarlah nasibnya menjadi teladan kpd kamu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
fit1adj 1. (suitable, appropriate) sesuai; (competent, worthy) layak: the water is not ~ to drink, air itu tdk sesuai utk diminum; he is ~ for the position, dia sesuai utk jawatan itu; this is not a ~ time to talk about the matter, ini bukan masa yg sesuai utk bercakap ttg perkara itu; do you think he is ~ to teach the Sixth Form?, kamu rasa dia layak utk mengajar Tingkatan Enam?; 2. in good health, sihat; (foll by infin) cukup sihat: he is not ~ at the moment: he can’t walk a hundred yards without getting out of breath, dia tdk sihat pd masa ini: berjalan seratus ela pun dia mengah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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