blanket stitch | n jahit /selimut, insang pari/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gill 1 | n respiratory organ of fish, tadpole, etc, insang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
analogous | adj 1. similar in certain respects, seakan-akan /sama, serupa/: uprisings ~ to those of the southern provinces, pemberontakan yg seakan-akan sama dgn pemberontakan di daerah selatan; the heart is ~ to a pump, jantung seakan-akan sama dgn pam; 2. (biol) beranalog; (attrib) analog the gills of a fish and the lungs of man may be said to be ~, insang ikan dan paru-paru manusia boleh dikatakan beranalog; ~ organ, organ analog. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
external | adj 1. of or for the outside, luar(an): this ointment is for ~ use only, salap ini adalah utk kegunaan luar sahaja; he suffered ~ injuries, dia mengalami kecederaan luaran; 2. coming, acting from without, (dr) luar; (of examiner, auditor, student) luar: ~ intervention may worsen the situation, campur tangan dr luar mungkin memburukkan situasi itu lagi; they were merely responding to ~ pressure, mereka hanya bereaksi thdp tekanan dr luar; 3. involving foreign countries, luar negeri: ~ debt, hutang luar negeri; the Department of E~ Affairs, Jabatan Hal-Ehwal Luar Negeri; 4. growing on or attached to the outside, luaran: ~ gills, insang luaran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |