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inti (kata nama)
Bersinonim dengan isi, ramuan.,

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

fillingn 1. (of tooth) tampalan; 2. (of cake, pie, etc) inti; 3. (of cushion, quilt, etc) isi.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dressingn 1. sauce esp for salad, kuah salad; 2. (US), stuffing, inti; 2. bandage, pembalut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
heartn 1. (organ) jantung: ~ diseases, penyakit jantung; 2. centre of thoughts and emotions, hati: the woman who captured his ~, wanita yg telah menawan hatinya; in his ~ he couldn’t believe she had betrayed him, dlm hatinya, dia tdk percaya perempuan itu telah mengkhianatinya; she has a kind ~, dia baik hati; 3. innermost part, core, a. (of cabbage, lettuce, tree, etc) hati; b. (of place, area) di tengah-tengah: the child was lost in the ~ of the forest, budak itu telah hilang di tengah-tengah hutan; c. (fig.) pokok, inti: the ~ of the problem, inti masalah itu; 4. (shape) bentuk hati: a birthday card with a ~ on it, kad hari jadi yg terdapat bentuk hati padanya; 5. (playing card) lekuk: the five of ~s, lima lekuk;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
kerneln 1. (of nut or stone fruit ) isirong; 2. (of grain) isi; 3. central or important part, intisari, intipati, inti, sari: the ~ of the matter, intisari persoalan.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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