content 1 | n 1. (in pl) that which is contained in st, isi, kandungan: the ~s of the box, isi peti itu; he disregarded the ~s of the letter, dia tdk mempedulikan kandungan surat itu; she emptied the bottle of its ~s, dia menuangkan kesemua isi botol itu; table of ~s, daftar kandungan; 2. substance, meaning of work of art, discussion, etc, isi, kandungan: a poem that is poor in ~, sebuah puisi yg tdk cukup isinya; 3. capacity, muatan: the ~ of a cask, muatan sebuah tong kayu; 4. amount of substance contained in st, kandungan: the ore has high nickel ~, bijih itu tinggi kandungan nikelnya; high cholesterol ~, kandungan kolesterol yg tinggi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | vt 1. remove insides of, clean, membuang (isi) perut: to ~ a chicken, membuang isi perut ayam; 2. destroy the inside of, (act.) memusnahkan bahagian dalam; (pass.) bahagian dalam musnah: the warehouse was completely ~ted by fire, bahagian dalam gudang itu musnah dijilat api. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gut | n 1. (in pl) insides, isi perut; 2. (anat) intestine, usus; 3. ( in pl), (colloq) bowels or intestines, perut: I got a terrible pain in my ~s, perut saya sakit betul; 4. (in pl), (colloq) inside parts of (machine, building, etc) isi perut: the ~s of the computer, isi perut komputer; 5. (in pl), (colloq) berani: he doesn’t have the ~s to fight us, dia tak berani melawan kita; 6. (colloq) stomach esp when it sticks out, perut (buncit): his huge beer ~, perutnya yg buncit krn banyak minum bir; 7. also greedy guts (in pl), (colloq) glutton, pelahap; 8. string made from intestines of an animal (used for violin, tennis racket, etc) gat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inside | n 1. inner side, bahagian dalam; (of fruit) isi: the ~ is lined with silk, bahagian dalamnya dilapik dgn sutera; the ~ of the stomach, bahagian dalam perut; the ~ of a mangosteen, isi manggis; 2. side of path etc furthest from the road, (in country where drivers drive on the left) di sebelah kiri; (in country where drivers drive on the right) di sebelah kanan: keep to the ~ of the road, jalan di sebelah kiri jalan; 3. (usu in pl), (colloq) the stomach, perut: his ~s are all upset, dia tdk sedap perut; a cow’s ~s, perut lembu; 4. lane of circular race-track furthest from the outside of the circle, lorong dalam; 5. (of leg, arm, thigh) bahagian sebelah dalam; (of forearm, calves) perut: the ~s of his thighs were red and sore, bahagian sebelah dalam pahanya merah dan melecet; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
froth | n 1. busa, buih: beer with a lot of ~, bir yg berbusa banyak; 2. (fig.) tdk /ada isi, berisi/: his speech was mainly ~, sebahagian besar ucapannya tdk ada isi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fill | vt 1. make full, (lit. & fig.) mengisi: please ~ that bucket with water, tolong isi baldi itu dgn air; to ~ the tyre with air, mengisi tayar dgn angin; you shouldn’t ~ your head with useless facts, lebih baik jangan isi kepalamu dgn fakta-fakta yg tdk berguna; your latest article ~ed a major gap in our knowledge, makalah terbarumu mengisi lompang yg besar dlm pengetahuan kita; ~ st full, memenuhkan sst, mengisi sst hingga penuh; 2. occupy the whole of, memenuhi: smoke ~ed the theatre, asap memenuhi panggung itu; the whole house was ~ed with rock music, seluruh rumah itu dipenuhi muzik rock; laughter suddenly ~ed the room, tiba-tiba gelak kewa memenuhi ruang bilik itu; the problem ~s his mind, masalah itu memenuhi fikirannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disembowel | vt mengeluarkan isi perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
critical volume | n isi padu genting. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atomic volume | n isi padu atom. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
entrails | n bowels, intestines, isi perut. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |