castle | n 1. (building) kastil, istana kota; build ~s in /the air, Spain/, berangan-angan; 2. (in chess) tir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gloominess | n darkness, dreariness, kesuraman, kemuraman: the ~ of the castle depressed us, kesuraman istana kota itu menyebabkan kami murung. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grand | adj 1. magnificent, impressive in appearance or size, etc, a. (of structure, building, mountain, etc) tersergam /indah, megah/: a ~ castle, istana kota yg tersergam megah; b. (of part of building) besar lagi indah: the ballroom in which the reception was held was very ~, dewan tari-menari tempat majlis itu diadakan sangat besar lagi indah; c. (of view) terbentang indah: he was awestruck by the ~ panorama of mountains and lakes, dia kagum melihat pemandangan gunung-ganang dan tasik yg terbentang indah; 2. marked by magnificence, display, sumptuousness, besar-besaran: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
apparition | n 1. appearance (esp of ghost, spirit) penjelmaan; 2. ghost, hantu, lembaga: the ~ that stalks the corridors of the old castle, hantu yg merayau-rayau di koridor istana kota tua itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
explore | vi travel into or through a place, menjelajah: as they loved to ~, their uncle took them to an old castle on top of the hill, oleh sebab mereka suka menjelajah, bapa saudara mereka membawa mereka ke sebuah istana kota yg lama yg terletak di atas bukit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hoary | adj 1. (of hair, head) putih, beruban: he bowed his ~ head, dia menundukkan kepalanya yg telah beruban itu; 2. very old, purba; (of tree) sangat tua: ~ castles, istana kota purba; ~ elms, pokok elm yg sangat tua; 3. trite, sudah /lapuk, basi/: ~ jokes, jenaka yg sudah lapuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |