Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[jag] | جݢ

Definisi : sj bekas air yg bertangkai dan berbibir, dibuat drpd kaca dll. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

jugn 1. pitcher, jag: she filled the ~ with water, dia mengisi jag itu dgn air; 2. content of pitcher, jag (penuh): a ~ of milk, satu jag susu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
jugfuln jag (penuh): three ~s of coconut water, tiga jag air kelapa.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
brimn 1. rim, bibir: the liquid flowed over the ~ of his glass, cecair itu melimpahi bibir gelasnya; he filled the jug to the ~, dia mengisi jag itu hingga ke bibirnya; 2. projecting edge, tepi: a hat with a broad ~, topi yg bertepi lebar;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
awkwardadj 1. clumsy, ungainly, kekok, canggung; (of sentence) janggal: she appeared shy and ~, dia kelihatan malu dan kekok; she had an ~ style on the tennis court, gaya dia bermain tenis kekok sekali; he is ~ with children, dia kekok dgn kanak-kanak; an ~ sentence, ayat yg janggal; the ~ age, peringkat umur kekok; 2. difficult, susah, sukar: the tool is ~ to use, alat itu susah utk digunakan; 3. causing difficulty, pelik; (of time) tdk sesuai; (of circumstance) susahlah: the pitcher has an ~ handle, telinga jag itu pelik; an ~ corner, selekoh yg pelik; what an ~ position for a cupboard, pelik betul letak almari ini; two o’clock is ~ for me: can we meet at six instead?, pukul dua tdk sesuai bagi saya: boleh kita berjumpa pd pukul enam?; it is ~ that he is not able to play in tomorrow’s match, susahlah kita krn dia tdk dapat bermain dlm perlawanan yg akan diadakan besok; 4. embarrassing, tdk menyenangkan: an ~ moment, saat yg tdk menyenangkan; to ask ~ questions, mengemukakan soalan-soalan yg tdk menyenangkan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
any3. even one, a. (of person) seorang pun: she has many friends and I haven’t ~, kawannya banyak, kawan saya seorang pun tdk ada; b. (of thing other than person) se + classifier pun, satu pun; (of abstract n) satu pun: he hasn’t sold ~ (of the durians) yet, (durian-durian itu) tdk satu pun yg laku; it seems that they have sent me several reminders but I haven’t received ~, kononnya mereka telah menghantar beberapa pucuk surat peringatan kpd saya tetapi belum ada sepucuk pun yg saya terima; they discussed many problems but could not solve ~, mereka membincangkan beberapa banyak masalah tetapi satu pun tdk dapat diselesaikan oleh mereka; 4. even the smallest amount, sedikit pun: there is hardly ~ left in the jug, boleh dikatakan tdk ada sedikit pun yg tinggal di dlm jag itu;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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