torch | 2. long stick burning at one end, obor, jamung: the villagers carried ~es to light the way, penduduk-penduduk kampung membawa obor utk menerangi jalan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | vt 1. ignite, menyalakan: he lit his cigarette and leaned back in his chair, dia menyalakan api rokoknya lalu bersandar di kerusi; 2. turn on, memasang, menyalakan: it’s so dark in here, ~ the torch, terlalu gelap di sini, pasanglah lampu picit; 3. guide with a light, menyuluh: they each carried a torch to ~ their way in the cave, setiap orang dr mereka membawa jamung utk menyuluh jalan di dlm gua itu; 4. illuminate, menerangi: the ballroom is ~ed by several chandeliers, dewan tari-menari itu diterangi oleh beberapa buah candelier; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
light 1 | vt 1. ignite, menyalakan: he lit his cigarette and leaned back in his chair, dia menyalakan api rokoknya lalu bersandar di kerusi; 2. turn on, memasang, menyalakan: it’s so dark in here, ~ the torch, terlalu gelap di sini, pasanglah lampu picit; 3. guide with a light, menyuluh: they each carried a torch to ~ their way in the cave, setiap orang dr mereka membawa jamung utk menyuluh jalan di dlm gua itu; 4. illuminate, menerangi: the ballroom is ~ed by several chandeliers, dewan tari-menari itu diterangi oleh beberapa buah candelier; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |