coat of arms | n jata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
armour-bearer | n pembawa jata. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blazon | n coat of arms, jata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
armorial. | adj of, pertaining to heraldic arms, (bkn dgn) jata; ~ bearings, lambang kebangsawanan | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blazon | vt 1. describe and paint (heraldic arms) menghias [jata]; 2. display in conspicuous way, (act.) memampangkan; (pass.) terpampang: the box had the name of the manufacturer ~ed on it, nama pengilang terpampang pd kotak itu; 3. see BLAZE3. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
emblazon | vt 1. portray, display conspicuously, (act.) memampangkan; (pass.) terpampang: the news was ~ed in headlines in all the papers, berita itu terpampang dlm tajuk berita di semua akhbar; 2. glorify, extol, menyanjung: his success was ~ed throughout the country, kejayaannya disanjung di seluruh negara; 3. adorn, menghias: notepaper ~ed with the family’s coat of arms, kertas surat yg dihias dgn jata keluarga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
armour | n 1. (hist) defensive covering worn in fighting, a. (made of chain-mail) baju /zirah, rantai, besi/; b. (made of metal plates) baju besi; 2. metal plates protecting warship, tank, etc, perisai; 3. armoured vehicles collectively, kenderaan berperisai; protective covering, a. (of animal, plant) kulit perisai; b. (of cable, hose, etc) perisai; 5. diver’s suit, baju selam; 6. heraldic devices, jata; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bear2 | 10. have, possess, contain, mempunyai, mengandungi: a word which ~s many meanings, perkataan yg mempunyai makna yg banyak; 11. harbour, have, menaruh [in some contexts, not translated]: he ~s no hatred against a__nyone, dia tdk menaruh perasaan benci thdp sesiapa pun; to ~ a grudge against so., menaruh dendam thdp sso; because of the love she ~s him, she would face anything together with him, oleh sebab kasih sayangnya thdp lelaki itu, dia sanggup menghadapi apa-apa sahaja bersamanya; 12. be marked with, show, menunjukkan: his body still ~s the scars of that encounter, tubuhnya masih menunjukkan parut-parut luka akibat pertempuran itu; a banner ~ing a beautifully designed crest, panji yg menunjukkan jata yg indah reka bentuknya; 13. be fit for, deserve, layak, wajar: his claim doesn’t ~ further examination, dakwaannya itu tdk layak dikaji lebih lanjut; words that do not ~ repeating, kata-kata yg tdk wajar diulang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |