clear | adj 1. unambiguous, easy to understand, (dgn) jelas: he made his meaning quite ~, dia menyatakan maksudnya dgn agak jelas; this sentence is not at all ~, ayat ini tdk jelas sama sekali; to give ~ instructions, memberi arahan yg jelas; 2. easy to hear, read, see, jelas: a ~ speaking voice, bercakap dgn suara yg jelas; the ~ sound of bells, bunyi loceng yg jelas kedengaran; his handwriting is neat and ~, tulisannya kemas dan jelas; 3. well-defined, terang, jelas: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 8. not muddled, perceptive, jelas: ~ thinking, fikiran yg jelas; for so. her age, she has a remarkably ~ mind, bagi sso yg berumur sepertinya, fikirannya sangat jelas; my memory is quite ~ on the point, ingatan saya jelas ttg perkara itu; 9. transparent, not turbid, jernih: ~ glass, kaca jernih; the solution becomes ~ when heated, larutan itu menjadi jernih apabila dipanaskan; ~ plastic bottles, botol-botol plastik jernih; the ~ water of the lake, air tasik yg jernih; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | 6. evident, jelas, nyata: it is quite ~ to me that they have no desire to sell the property, jelas bagi saya bahawa mereka tdk berhajat utk menjual harta itu; it was not ~ whether the money was to be used for the benefit of the poor, tdk jelas sama ada wang itu akan digunakan bagi manfaat orang-orang miskin; 7. not confused, jelas: there are one or two things I am not ~ about, ada satu dua perkara yg tdk jelas bagi saya; she seems quite ~ about what she wants to do, nampaknya dia agak jelas ttg apa yg ingin dilakukannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
evident | adj jelas, nyata: his sincerity was ~ to all, keikhlasannya jelas kpd semua; it was ~ from his behaviour that he was drunk, jelas drpd kelakuannya bahawa dia mabuk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ill-defined | adj not clear, a. (in meaning) tdk /jelas, tepat/: an ~ question, soalan yg tdk jelas; b. (in outline) kelihatan tdk /jelas, terang/: the figure on the left of the photograph is ~, orang yg berdiri di sebelah kiri dlm gambar itu kelihatan tdk jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indefinite | adj 1. vague, not clear, tdk jelas: she has ~ views on the subject, dia mempunyai pandangan yg tdk jelas ttg perkara itu; an ~ answer, jawapan yg tdk jelas; 2. a. not determined, tdk /ditetapkan, ditentukan/: the time was left ~, waktunya tdk ditetapkan; he was given ~ leave, dia diberi cuti yg tempohnya tdk ditentukan; b. having no exact limits, (yg + aprop n) tdk dapat /dipastikan, ditentukan/: an ~ number of people, sejumlah orang yg bilangannya tdk dapat dipastikan; it is ~ how long he will be away, tdk dapat dipastikan berapa lama dia berpergian; c. unlimited, tdk terhad: the possibilities are ~, kemungkinannya tdk terhad; 3. (gram.) tak tentu: ~ pronoun, kata ganti tak tentu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indistinct | adj not clear, a. (to the eyes) kelihatan /tdk jelas, samar-samar, kabur/: the outline of the mountain was ~ in the fog, bentuk gunung itu kelihatan tdk jelas dlm kabut; b. (to the ears) kedengaran tdk jelas: an ~ cry, jeritan yg kedengaran tdk jelas; c. (to the mind) samar-samar, kabur: my memory of the occasion is ~ now, ingatan saya sekarang ttg peristiwa itu samar-samar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
articulate | vt 1. speak, enunciate distinctly, menyebut dgn /jelas, terang/: many foreigners find the word difficult to ~, banyak orang asing yg berasa sukar utk menyebut perkataan itu dgn jelas; 2. express coherently, clearly, /melahirkan, menyatakan/ dgn /jelas, terang/: to ~ o’s anger, melahirkan perasaan marah sso dgn jelas; 3. (usu pass.) mark with apparent joints, berartikulat: the bones of our toes are ~d,tulang-tulang jari kaki kita berartikulat. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
clear | the photograph was very ~, gambar itu cukup terang; 4. unmistakable, jelas, nyata, terang-terang: he scored a ~ win on points, jelas dia menang dgn kiraan mata; it is a ~ case of bribery, terang-terang itu kes rasuah; 5. definite, jelas, nyata: this is a ~ indication that both parties are willing to compromise, ini jelas menunjukkan bahawa kedua-dua pihak sanggup berkompromi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
indiscernible | adj a. cannot be seen clearly, tdk dapat dilihat dgn jelas; (of handwriting) tdk dapat dibaca: the houses were ~ in the mist, rumah-rumah itu tdk dapat dilihat dgn jelas dlm kabus; b. not clear, tdk jelas: the difference between the two signatures was almost ~, perbezaan antara dua tanda tangan itu hampir tdk jelas. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |