bathing beauty | n gadis jelita yg memakai pakaian mandi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cynosure | n tumpuan: the beautiful actress was the ~ of all eyes, seniwati yg jelita itu menjadi tumpuan mata semua orang. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
good looker | n (of man), (orang yg) /tampan, kacak, sajak/; (of woman) cantik, jelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
enamour, (US) enamor | vt (usu pass.) tertawan, terpikat: he was ~ed of the beautiful princess, dia tertawan dgn puteri yg jelita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beauty | to enjoy the ~ of the scenery, menikmati keindahan pemandangan; the ~ of Nature, keindahan alam semula jadi; the ~ of the sonnet, keindahan soneta itu; 2. beautiful girl, woman, cantik, jelita, jelitawan, rupawan, lawa: she was a ~ in her day, pada masa mudanya dia cantik; 3. st beautiful, cantik: isn’t it a ~?, cantik, bukan?; 4. feature, characteristic that is beautiful or exceptionally good, keindahan: the beauties in Iqbal’s poetry, keindahan dlm sajak Iqbal; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beautiful | adj 1. delighting the eye, a. (gen) cantik: a ~ vase, jambangan bunga yg cantik; ~ flowers, bunga-bunga yg cantik; a ~ horse, kuda yg cantik; that’s a ~ car, cantik kereta itu; b. (of woman) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan: a ~ actress, seniwati yg cantik; c. (of face) cantik, jelita, lawa, rupawan; d. (of eyes, hands, legs, etc) cantik: ~ brown eyes, mata berwarna coklat yg cantik; e. (of building, place, scenery) indah, cantik: | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
great | the ~ majority of drug addicts are below thirty years of age, sejumlah besar penagih dadah di bawah umur tiga puluh tahun; 2. extreme, intense, /sangat, sungguh, begitu/ + approp adj: it’s a ~ pleasure meeting him, saya amat gembira bertemu dengannya; she has ~ patience with children, dia sungguh sabar dgn kanak-kanak; she was a ~ beauty when she was young, dia sungguh jelita semasa muda; her mother’s illness is a ~ worry to her, penyakit ibunya sungguh merisaukan dia; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
alloy | n 1. mixture of two or more metals, aloi, pancalogam: brass is an ~ of copper and zinc, loyang adalah aloi tembaga dan zink; 2. st that spoils, impairs, a. aloi; b. (fig.), [various translations]: her happiness was without ~, kebahagiaannya sejati; her face so refined of all ~, wajahnya yg begitu jelita dan tdk ada cacat-celanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foil2 | n 1. very thin beaten or rolled metal sheet, kerajang: silver ~, kerajang perak; aluminium ~, kerajang aluminium; 2. paper covered with this, kertas timah; (if metal is specified) kertas: cigarettes wrapped in ~, rokok yg dibungkus dgn kertas timah; gold ~, kertas emas; 3. metal sheet used as backing for mirror, kerajang; 4. so., st that contrasts with and hence sets off another, (sst yg) menyerlahkan; (theat) watak lawan: her black evening gown was a good ~ for her pale complexion, gaun malamnya yg hitam menyerlahkan kulitnya yg putih; the ugly stepsisters are a ~ to the beautiful Cinderella, kakak-kakak tiri yg hodoh itu merupakan watak lawan bagi Cinderella yg jelita. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |