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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[jen.dé.la] | جنديلا

Definisi : (jendéla) tingkap; ~ langit tingkap magun. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[jen.dé.la] | جنديلا

Definisi : /jendéla/ tingkap. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Rujuk :tingkap


Buah salak di dalam piring,
     Buah kedondong atas jendela;
Kalau jalak lawan biring,
     Nanti tedung menuntut bela.

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Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

jambn (of door) jenang (pintu), tiang pintu; (of window) jenang (tingkap, jendela), tiang /tingkap, jendela/.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dormern also dormer window, /tingkap, jendela/ dormer.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
habitualadj 1. usual, biasa, selalu: the old man was sitting in his ~ place by the window, orang tua itu duduk di tempat biasanya di tepi jendela; 2. chronic, inveterate, kaki: a ~ liar, kaki bohong.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dummyn 1. (model of person or animal) patung; (puppet) patung, boneka: all the dummies in the shop window were stolen, semua patung dlm jendela kedai itu dicuri; for target practice, they were required to shoot down dummies, semasa latihan sasaran mereka dikehendaki menembak patung; the ventriloquist uses two dummies for his act, ventrilokis itu menggunakan dua boneka utk persembahannya; 2. object made to look similar to the real thing, (approp n) palsu: the wedding cakes on display are all dummies, kek pengantin yg dipamerkan semuanya kek palsu; the first drawer is actually a ~, laci yg pertama itu sebenarnya palsu; 3. (UK) rubber teat for babies, puting (getah); 4. (US), (colloq) stupid person, (orang yg) /bodoh, tolol/; 5. (printing) dami.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
ensconcevt; ~ os, ( fml or jocular) a. settle os firmly or comfortably, duduk selesa: he ~d himself in an armchair by the window, dia duduk selesa di kerusi tangan di tepi jendela; b. establish os (in a comfortable house etc) tinggal dgn selesa: we were ~d in a spacious bungalow by the sea, kami tinggal dgn selesa di sebuah banglo di tepi laut.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
doubledeterminer sekali ganda, dua kali: my income is ~ what it was then, pendapatan saya sekali ganda pendapatan saya dahulu; we need ~ the width of this material for this window, kita memerlukan dua kali lebar kain utk jendela ini; he is ~ my age, umurnya sekali ganda umur saya;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dress4. wash, bandage, apply ointment etc to (wound) mencuci dan membalut: the cut was ~ed everyday, luka itu dicuci dan dibalut setiap hari; 5. provide with decoration, display goods, etc, meragahiaskan; (Christmas tree) menghias: they always ~ their shop window attractively, mereka selalu meragahiaskan jendela kedai mereka dgn menarik; 6. a. prepare (chicken, fish, etc) for cooking or selling, menyiang; b. prepare (salad) for eating, membubuh (kuah) pd: don’t ~ the salad yet, jangan bubuh kuah pd salad lagi;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
glowvi 1. give out heat or light, memijar, membara; (of embers) memijar; (of cigarette) bernyala: the metal was heated until it ~ed, logam itu dipanaskan sehingga memijar; 2. emit steady or even light, gleam, (of lamp etc) bercahaya; (of cat’s eyes etc) bercahaya, bersinar; (firefly etc) bercahaya: the oil lamp ~ed softly in the window, lampu minyak itu bercahaya samar-samar di jendela; tigers’ eyes ~ in the dark, mata harimau bersinar dlm gelap;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
lash1vt 1. beat (so., st) with a whip, menyebat, mencambuk: he ~ed the horse across its back, dia menyebat belakang kuda itu; 2. move forcefully, frequently, melibaskan: the lion ~ed its tail angrily, singa itu melibaskan ekornya dgn marah; 3. often ~ against, ~ at, beat, hit violently, menghempas-hempas, memukul-mukul: the waves ~ed the rocks, ombak menghempas-hempas batu; the rain was ~ing against the window, hujan sedang menghempas-hempas daun jendela;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
as(just) ~... so..., sebagaimana... begitu(lah) juga...: just ~ you like a cigarette in the morning, so I enjoy my cup of tea, sebagaimana kamu suka menghisap rokok pd waktu pagi, begitu juga saya suka minum teh; so...~..., a. sometimes such...~..., (indic consequence) (se)begitu [adj] (se) hingga: the film was so moving ~ to have half the audience in tears, filem itu begitu mengharukan hingga separuh drpd penonton menitiskan air mata; you would surely not be so foolish ~ to attempt an escape, kamu tentu tdk begitu bodoh hingga mahu mencuba melarikan diri; b. (indic purpose) supaya: I put the chair near the window so ~ to be able to see the whole garden, kerusi itu saya letakkan dekat jendela supaya saya dapat melihat seluruh taman;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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