carp2 | vi berleter; to ~ about the neighbours, berleter ttg jiran-jiran(nya); she’s always ~ing about our work, dia sentiasa meleteri ttg kerja kami; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
crying | n tangisan: the baby’s ~ disturbed the neighbours, tangisan bayi itu mengganggu jiran-jiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
assist | ~ in, /membantu, menolong/ (dlm): the neighbours ~ed in the search for the missing child, jiran-jiran membantu mencari kanak-kanak yg hilang itu; everyone ~ed in the campaign, semua orang membantu dlm kempen itu; ~ so. in, /membantu, menolong/ sso (dlm); | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
far | go ~ /to do st, towards st/, membantu, menolong: the money donated by their neighbours will go ~ to pay for the hospital bills, wang yg diderma oleh jiran-jiran mereka akan membantu mereka membayar bil hospital; in so ~ as, insofar as [various translations]: your suggestion is useful in so ~ as pensioners are concerned, cadangan tuan berguna setakat pesara-pesara sahaja; she is different from the rest in so ~ as she seems unimpressed by any show of wealth, dia berbeza drpd yg lain dlm erti kata dia tdk kagum dgn kekayaan; so ~, /setakat, sejauh/ ini: so ~ his work has been satisfactory, setakat ini, kerjanya memuaskan; so ~ and no further, setakat ini dan tdk lebih drpd ini; so ~ so good, setakat ini tdk ada apa-apa masalah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
hand-out | n 1. st given as alms, pemberian orang; (if the donator is specified) pemberian: the family has to depend on ~s from charitable neighbours, keluarga itu terpaksa bergantung pd pemberian jiran-jiran yg murah hati; 2. prepared statement to the press, kenyataan bertulis; 3. distributed notes, leaflet, /bahan, kertas/ sebaran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
Joneses | n; keep up with the ~, (derog) menandingi jiran: they bought a new car and renovated their house to keep up with the ~, mereka membeli kereta baru dan mengubah suai rumah utk menandingi jiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
footing | n 1. secure grip with the feet, berpijak dgn kukuh: be careful of your ~ on the ice, hati-hati kamu berpijak dgn kukuh di permukaan yg berais itu; 2. basis, position, tapak: the organization is now is on a firm ~, persatuan itu sudah mempunyai tapak yg kukuh sekarang; be on a war ~, bersedia utk berperang; put st on a war ~, mengarahkan supaya sst bersedia utk berperang: the government decided to put the army on a war ~, kerajaan memutuskan utk mengarahkan supaya tentera bersedia utk berperang; 3. (status) kedudukan; (relationship) hubungan: to be on an equal ~, mempunyai kedudukan yg sama; she was on a friendly ~ with her neighbours, dia mempunyai hubungan yg mesra dgn jiran-jiran; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
break | Bolivia telah memutuskan hubungan dgn sebuah negara jiran; c. discontinue st, menghentikan sst: the enemy ship broke off the attack, kapal musuh itu menghentikan serangan; they broke off their conversation when I came in, mereka menghentikan perbualan ketika saya masuk; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chatty | adj 1. talkative, suka berceloteh: a ~ neighbour, jiran yg suka berceloteh; 2. resembling a chat, (bersifat) celoteh: a ~ letter, surat celoteh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
foray | vi menyerbu: the troops ~ed into neighbouring territories, askar-askar itu menyerbu ke kawasan-kawasan jiran. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |