havoc | n 1. devastation, kemusnahan, kebinasaan: the ~ caused by the typhoon, kemusnahan akibat taufan itu; 2. confusion, huru-hara, kacau-bilau, keadaan /kucar-kacir, kelam-kabut/: the rebels wrought ~ in the province, pemberontak-pemberontak itu menimbulkan huru-hara di wilayah tersebut; the children created ~ in the house, budak-budak membuat kacau-bilau di rumah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ascend | vi 1. go or move up, naik: he ~ed slowly to the top of the hill, dia naik perlahan-lahan ke puncak bukit itu; the mist ~ed from the valley, kabus naik dr lembah itu; cheers broke out as the balloon ~ed, orang ramai bertepuk sorak apabila belon itu mula naik; 2. slope upwards, mendaki, menanjak, naik meninggi: the path ~ed steeply, jalan itu mendaki dgn curamnya; the mountain ~ed to 5,000 metres, gunung itu menanjak sehingga ke paras 5,000 meter; 3. rise (in rank, level, degree, etc) naik: when he ~ed in rank..., apabila dia naik pangkat...; ~ to power, mula berkuasa: he ~ed to power at a time when the country was in great turmoil, dia mula berkuasa ketika negara itu dlm keadaan kacau-bilau; 4. rise in pitch, meninggi: the singer’s voice ~ed to a high C, suara penyanyi itu meninggi ke nada C tinggi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |