if | ~ only, kalaulah: ~ only she new, kalaulah dia tahu; as ~, seolah-olah, seakan-akan: he acts as ~ he is the boss, dia berlagak seolah-olah dia ketua; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
it | if ~ hadn’t been for them, we should have drowned, kalaulah tdk krn mereka, pasti kami mati lemas; ~ seems that he misplaced the keys, kononnya, dia tersalah letak kunci-kunci itu; ~ was a pity you weren’t around, sayang kamu tdk ada di situ; as ~ happened, I was at home that morning, kebetulan, saya berada di rumah pd pagi itu; 3. a. (used when making statement about the weather) cuaca, [or not translated]; (when used with verbs such as “raining”, “snowed”, etc), [not translated]: ~’s getting hotter every day, cuaca semakin hari semakin panas; ~’s snowing heavily in Alaska, salji turun dgn banyaknya di Alaska; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
free agent | n (orang yg) bebas: if I were a ~ I’d move from Holland to Malaysia, kalaulah saya bebas, saya akan berpindah dr Belanda ke Malaysia. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
adamant | adj 1. (in character) /keras, tegar/ hati (sifatnya), (bersifat) tegar: I wish she were less ~, kalaulah dia tdk begitu keras hati; 2. (in resolution) tetap /berpendapat, berpendirian/, /tetap dgn, tdk berganjak drpd/ pendirian sso: he was ~ that he was fit to work, dia tetap berpendapat bahawa dia sudah sihat dan dapat bekerja; on this issue, I am ~, saya tetap dgn pendirian saya ttg perkara itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forethought | n 1. prior thought, consideration, berfikir terlebih dulu: I wish I’d had the ~ to bring my umbrella!, kalaulah saya berfikir terlebih dahulu dan membawa payung!; 2. prudence, sikap berhati-hati: her ~ enabled us to live within our means, sikapnya yg berhati-hati membolehkan kami hidup dgn apa yg ada. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
comedy | n 1. amusing stage-play or film, /drama, filem/ komedi; 2. (as a genre) komedi; 3. humour , kelucuan, lucunya: if only he would see the ~ of the situation, kalaulah dia dapat melihat kelucuan situasi itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
discern | vt (fml) perceive,a. (visually) melihat, nampak: they were able to ~ a house in the distance, mereka dapat melihat sebuah rumah di kejauhan; b. (with the mind) menanggap, mencerap: if only we could ~ his motives, kalaulah kita dapat menanggap niatnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
instance | n (example) contoh; (event) kejadian: this is only one ~ of his dishonesty, ini hanyalah satu contoh ketidakjujurannya; there have been many ~s of its successful use, terdapat beberapa banyak contoh penggunaannya yg berjaya; if this were just an isolated ~, we could ignore it, kalaulah ini satu kejadian yg terpencil, kita boleh mengetepikannya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
interpolate | vt 1. add, insert (words) in text, menyisipkan: these phrases had been ~d by some eighteenth century scholar, rangkai-rangkai kata ini disisipkan oleh sarjana kurun kelapan belas; 2. interrupt (conversation etc) mencelah: “if we have the money!” she ~d, “kalaulah kita mempunyai wang!” dia mencelah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inclination | n 1. bending, a. (of body) membongkok; b. (of head) melentokkan: he acknowledged the greeting with a slight ~ of the head, dia membalas sapaan itu dgn melentokkan kepalanya sedikit; 2. sloping position, kecondongan, condongan: the ~ of the roof, kecondongan bumbung rumah itu; 3. (math) kecondongan: the ~ of the axis, kecondongan paksi; 4. liking, desire, kehendak hati: to give way to o’s ~s, menurut kehendak hati; if only I were free to follow my ~s, kalaulah saya bebas utk mengikut kehendak hati saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |