hatchet | n kapak kecil; bury the ~, berdamai, berbaik-baik semula. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
halberd | n kapak /lembing, senjata/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
axe | n kapak; apply the ~ on ( public expenditure etc) memotong; get the ~, (colloq ) a. (of person) dibuang kerja; b. (of plan, project, etc) dihentikan; have an ~ to grind, (colloq) ada udang di balik batu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handy | adj 1. skilful, cekap, mahir: to be ~ with an axe, cekap menggunakan kapak; ~ with a needle (and thread), pandai menjahit; have a ~ way with st, /cekap, mahir/ mengendalikan sst: the new farmhand has a ~ way with horses, pekerja ladang yg baru itu cekap mengendalikan kuda; ~ around the house, boleh membuat kerja-kerja rencam; 2. useful, convenient, (sst yg) berguna: the food blender is a very ~ thing to have in the house, pengadun makanan ialah sst yg sangat berguna di rumah; 3. easy to handle, manoeuvre, mudah digunakan; (of a car) mudah dibawa: a ~ tool, alat yg mudah digunakan; 4. (colloq) within easy reach, dekat: the school is quite ~, sekolah itu agak dekat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cutting | adj 1. that is used to cut, memotong: ~ tools, alat memotong; ~ edge, mata: the ~ edge of an axe, mata kapak; 2. piercing, menusuk-nusuk: ~ pain, sakit yg menusuk-nusuk; 3. (of wind) mengilukan; 4. that hurts the feelings, melukakan perasaan: ~ remarks, kata-kata yg melukakan perasaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
edge | be on the ~ of st, hampir-hampir + approp v: on the ~ of tears, hampir-hampir menangis; on the ~ of bankruptcy, hampir-hampir bankrap; put an ~ on, a. (blade) menajamkan, mengasah, mengilir: to put an ~ on the axe, menajamkan kapak; b. (appetite) membuka: the exercise put an ~ on his appetite, senaman itu membuka seleranya; c. (argument) menajamkan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
anchor | vt 1. moor, melabuhkan: they ~ed the boat near the buoy, mereka melabuhkan perahu itu dekat pelampung; 2. fix as with an anchor, approp v + dgn kukuhnya: he ~ed the ice-axe firmly into the snow, dia memacakkan kapak ais itu dgn kukuhnya ke dlm salji; steel pegs ~ed the tent to the ground, pasak keluli memancangkan khemah itu dgn kukuhnya ke tanah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
chip | vt 1. cut, break at edge, (act.) menyebabkan [sst] (menjadi) sumbing; (pass.) sumbing: she complained that someone had ~ped one of her crystal glasses, dia merungut ada orang yg telah menyebabkan salah satu gelas kristalnya sumbing; the statue was ~ped with an axe, patung itu telah diserpihkan dgn kapak; to ~ pieces of stone from the wall, menyerpihkan batu dr dinding itu; 2. shape (st) by breaking off (piece) menarah: to ~ marble, menarah marmar; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
head | n 1. (part of body) kepala; 2. the uppermost part, a. (of river) hulu; b. (of spring) punca; c. (of ladder, staircase, nail, pin) kepala: he was standing at the ~ of the staircase, dia berdiri di kepala tangga; these nails have extra large ~s, kepala paku ini lebih besar drpd yg biasa; d. (of page) bahagian kepala; 3. farthermost part, a. (of table) kepala; b. (of pier, jetty) hujung; 4. part where the head rests, bahagian kepala; (of bed) kepala; 5. bow of ship, haluan; 6. cutting part, mata: the ~ of an axe, mata kapak; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |