hump | vt 1. carry on the shoulders or back, memikul: he ~ed bags of wheat to the truck, dia memikul karung-karung berisi gandum ke trak itu; 2. hoist, mengangkat: he tried to ~ the bag onto his shoulder, dia mencuba mengangkat beg itu ke atas bahunya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bag | n 1. container with handle used for carrying etc, beg: all ~s are to be left at the counter, semua beg hendaklah ditinggalkan di kaunter; the car keys are in my ~, kunci kereta ada di dlm beg saya; 2. container without handle used for holding, storing things etc, a. (gen) beg: cement ~s, beg simen; b. (if small) bungkus; (plaited) sumpit, kampit; c. (if large, sack-like) karung; (slightly smaller in size) kampit; (made from jute) guni, karung; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
beat | ~ against, a. (of rain) memukul(i); (if heavy) mencurah-curah memukul(i): the heavy rain was ~ing against the window panes, hujan lebat mencurah-curah memukuli kaca tingkap; b. (of waves) memukul(i), melanda, /menghempas, mendampar, membanting/ ke, membalun: the waves ~ against the shore, ombak menghempas ke pantai; ~ st against, memukulkan, memukul-mukulkan sst /ke, pd /: he tried to remove the dirt by ~ing the sack against the wall, dia mencuba membuang habuk dr karung itu dgn memukul-mukulkannya ke dinding; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |