lean 1 | ~ forward, membongkok ke depan: he ~t forward to see better, dia membongkok ke depan utk melihat dgn lebih jelas; ~ o’s head forward, a. (to look) menjengahkan: she ~t her head forward to see who was sitting in the front row, dia menjengahkan kepalanya utk melihat siapa yg duduk di baris hadapan; b. (to hear) memanjangkan leher: he ~t his head forward to hear the conversation, dia memanjangkan lehernya utk mendengar perbualan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
lean 1 | ~ forward, membongkok ke depan: he ~t forward to see better, dia membongkok ke depan utk melihat dgn lebih jelas; ~ o’s head forward, a. (to look) menjengahkan: she ~t her head forward to see who was sitting in the front row, dia menjengahkan kepalanya utk melihat siapa yg duduk di baris hadapan; b. (to hear) memanjangkan leher: he ~t his head forward to hear the conversation, dia memanjangkan lehernya utk mendengar perbualan itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | 3. towards the future, ke /hadapan, depan/: if we look ~ we can envisage various changes in society, sekiranya kita memandang ke hadapan, kita dapat membayangkan pelbagai perubahan dlm masyarakat; 4. (indic progress) onward, ke /depan, hadapan/: an important step ~ for this university, langkah ke depan yg penting bagi universiti ini; adv 1. towards the front, ke /hadapan, depan/: he moved ~ through the crowd, dia berjalan ke depan di celah-celah orang ramai; the chairman called him ~ to make the announcement, pengerusi memanggilnya ke depan utk membuat pengumuman; she leaned ~ to get a better view, dia menjengah ke hadapan supaya dapat melihat dgn lebih jelas; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | adv 1. towards the front, ke /hadapan, depan/: he moved ~ through the crowd, dia berjalan ke depan di celah-celah orang ramai; the chairman called him ~ to make the announcement, pengerusi memanggilnya ke depan utk membuat pengumuman; she leaned ~ to get a better view, dia menjengah ke hadapan supaya dapat melihat dgn lebih jelas; 2. towards particular person or thing, ke arah [sso, sst]: when the old lady collapsed on the pavement, several people rushed ~ to help her, apabila wanita tua itu rebah di kaki lima, beberapa orang meluru ke arahnya utk membantu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
forward | adv 1. towards the front, ke /hadapan, depan/: he moved ~ through the crowd, dia berjalan ke depan di celah-celah orang ramai; the chairman called him ~ to make the announcement, pengerusi memanggilnya ke depan utk membuat pengumuman; she leaned ~ to get a better view, dia menjengah ke hadapan supaya dapat melihat dgn lebih jelas; 2. towards particular person or thing, ke arah [sso, sst]: when the old lady collapsed on the pavement, several people rushed ~ to help her, apabila wanita tua itu rebah di kaki lima, beberapa orang meluru ke arahnya utk membantu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
onward | adj 1. forward (in space) ke /depan, hadapan/: the ~ motion of the vehicle lulled us to sleep, pergerakan ke depan kenderaan itu menyebabkan kami terlelap; ~ march, kemaraan; (of events) perkembangan: the army’s ~ march was halted, kemaraan tentera terhenti; 2. (rel to journey) terus: you should reconfirm your ~ journey to Karachi, kamu harus mengesahkan semula perjalanan terus ke Karachi; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
front | n 1. fore or forward part, (bahagian) /depan, hadapan/: the dress is pleated in ~, baju itu berlisu di depan; the ~ of the car was badly damaged, bahagian depan kereta itu rosak teruk; the ~ of the house faces south, bahagian depan rumah itu menghadap ke selatan; lie on o’s ~, meniarap; 2. (of book etc) the beginning, bahagian depan: the ~ of this dictionary, bahagian depan kamus ini; 3. position before one, depan, hadapan: the student came to the ~ of the class, pelajar itu datang ke depan kelas; look to the ~, not behind you, pandang ke depan bukan ke belakang; eyes ~, (used in command) pandang /depan, hadapan/; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
down1 | 4. all along, di sepanjang; (from top to bottom of st) dr hujung ke pangkal; (from front to back) dr depan ke belakang: sailing ~ the coast, belayar di sepanjang pantai; her gaze travelled slowly ~ the line, pandangannya beralih dr depan ke belakang dgn perlahan-lahan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
onward | adv also onwards 1. forwards (in space) ke /depan, hadapan/: the group moved slowly ~s, kumpulan itu bergerak ke hadapan perlahan-lahan; move ~, (fig.) maju: all the countries are moving ~s, semua negara sedang maju; 2. (rel to journey) terus: they travelled from Singapore to Japan and then ~s to the United States, mereka terbang dr Singapura ke Jepun dan terus ke Amerika Syarikat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
spur | vt 1. (horse) memacu: he ~red his horse forward, dia memacu kudanya ke depan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |