determination | n 1. act of settling, fixing, penentuan, penetapan, pemutusan, memutuskan: the ~ of company policy, penentuan dasar syarikat; 2. resolve, azam, keazaman, tekad: her ~ to achieve high goals in life, azamnya utk mencapai matlamat tinggi dlm hidup; 3. firmness of character, penuh /azam, keazaman, tekad/: women of great courage and ~, wanita-wanita yg berani dan penuh keazaman. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fundamental | ~ to, penting: determination is ~ to success, keazaman penting utk mencapai kejayaan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bring | ~ so. through, a. menyelamatkan sso: can the doctor ~ the patient through?, dapatkah doktor menyelamatkan pesakit itu?; b. (fig.) menyebabkan sso dapat mengharungi: perseverance and sheer determination brought them through the crisis, kegigihan dan keazaman semata-mata menyebabkan mereka dapat mengharungi krisis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inflexible | adj 1. rigid, cannot be bent, tdk boleh /dilenturkan, dibengkokkan/: an ~ iron rod, batang besi yg tdk boleh dilenturkan; 2. fixed, unalterable, tdk boleh diubah: ~ rules, peraturan-peraturan yg tdk boleh diubah; his ideas are said to be ~, gagasan-gagasannya dikatakan tdk boleh diubah; 3. unyielding, unbending, a. (of will, courage, etc) tdk mungkin luntur: ~ determination, keazaman yg tdk mungkin luntur; b. (derog), (of person) keras kepala, degil, tegar: there is no way you can make him change his mind – he’s absolutely ~, kamu tdk akan dapat membuat dia mengubah fikirannya – dia sangat keras kepala; c. (of attitude) tdk dapat diubah. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fight | vt 1. do battle with, bertempur dgn: America fought Japan for three years, Amerika bertempur dgn Jepun selama tiga tahun; 2. contend with in physical combat, berlawan: my father fought the burglar with his bare hands, bapa saya berlawan dgn pencuri itu dgn tangan saja; 3. oppose, menentang: the senator fought the bill with determination, senator itu menentang rang undang-undang tersebut dgn penuh keazaman; we are going to ~ the action, kami akan menentang tindakan itu; 4. strive to overcome; a. (disease, social evil) berusaha /menghapuskan, membasmi/, (berusaha) membanteras; b. (fire) melawan; c. (fear, pain) melawan; 5. (in boxing) berlawan (tinju) dgn: he fought the champion until the third round, dia berlawan dgn jaguh itu sehingga pusingan ketiga; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
confront | vt 1. face bravely or threateningly, (of person) mendatangi; (of problem, task, etc) dihadapi: I was ~ed by two strangers as I left the house, saya didatangi dua lelaki yg tdk saya kenali sewaktu saya keluar dr rumah; the problems ~ing them were by no means small, masalah yg dihadapi oleh mereka bukanlah kecil; 2. face, menghadapi: to ~ the future with determination, menghadapi masa depan dgn keazaman; 3. bring face to face, a. (persons) menyemukakan, mempersuakan; b. (person with thing) menyuakan: when he was ~ed with the evidence, he confessed, apabila dia disuakan dgn keterangan itu dia pun mengaku; 4. be in front of, berhadapan: every time I am ~ed by a microphone I become extremely nervous, setiap kali saya berhadapan dgn mikrofon saya menjadi sangat gugup. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |