Maklumat Kata

Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ke.bun.tuan] | کبونتوان

Definisi : perihal (keadaan) buntu. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ke.bun.tuan] | کبونتوان

Definisi : hal atau keadaan buntu. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata kebuntuan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

deadlockn 1. (lock ) kunci lokos; 2. complete standstill, kebuntuan, jalan buntu: the ~ has been resolved, kebuntuan itu telah dapat diatasi; /be at, come to, reach/ a ~, menemui jalan buntu.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
breakhis plan broke the deadlock, rancangannya memecahkan kebuntuan itu; a loud explosion broke the silence, letupan yg kuat memecahkan kesunyian; 2. sever, part, a. (deliberately) memutuskan: to ~ an electrical circuit, memutuskan litar elektrik; to ~ a light beam, memutuskan sorotan cahaya; b. (accidentally) putus, menyebabkan [sst] putus: the extra load broke the rope, tali itu putus krn beban tambahan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
block8. (US) length of such a mass of buildings, blok: the post office is two ~s away, pejabat pos itu jauhnya dua blok dr sini; 9. piece of engraved material used for printing, blok; 10. casing enclosing pulley(s) blok; 11. (sports) act of obstructing, pengadangan; 12. st which prevents the free flow of water etc, tersumbat: there was a ~ in one of the pipes, salah satu antara paip itu tersumbat; 13. (pathol) sekatan: heart- ~, sekatan jantung; 14. (psychol) kebuntuan: mental ~, kebuntuan mental;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
blankadj 1. not written or printed on, kosong: a ~ sheet of paper, sehelai kertas kosong; a ~ page, muka surat yg kosong; come up against a ~ wall, menemui kebuntuan; 2. not filled in or for filling in, kosong: a ~ form, borang kosong; a ~ ballot paper, kertas undi yg kosong; a ~ space, ruang kosong; 3. showing no expression, kosong: a ~ look, pandangan kosong; 4. disconcerted, termangu-mangu, terpinga-pinga: she looked ~, dia kelihatan termangu-mangu; 5. utter, complete, a. (of refusal, rejection, etc) bulat-bulat; b. (of astonishment) betul-betul, benar-benar; 6. devoid of ideas, kosong: his mind suddenly went ~, fikirannya tiba-tiba menjadi kosong;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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