blemish | n 1. physical defect, kecacatan, cacat: her skin is without ~, tdk ada kecacatan pd kulitnya; a ~ in the plate, kecacatan pd pinggan; 2. moral defect, kecacatan, cacat cela: without ~, tanpa cacat celanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
defect | n 1. fault, flaw, a. (in appearance, form) kecacatan: ~s in the wood, kecacatan yg terdapat pd kayu itu; to examine a product for ~s, meneliti bahan keluaran sekiranya ada kecacatan; b. (in function) kerosakan: a ~ in the mechanism, kerosakan pd mekanisme; c. (in character, nature) kelemahan, kecacatan: a ~ in o’s character, kelemahan pd peribadi sso; moral ~, kecacatan moral; 2. deficiency, a. (in regularity, soundness of form or structure) kelemahan, kekurangan: ~s in an administrative system, kelemahan dlm sistem pentadbiran; there are several ~s in the design, terdapat beberapa kelemahan dlm reka bentuk itu; b. (ref to eyesight, hearing) rosak: he has a hearing ~, pendengarannya rosak; c. (ref to memory) kelemahan, lemah; d. (ref to speech) kecacatan, cacat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deformity | n kecacatan: ashamed of her ~, berasa malu krn kecacatannya; his physical deformities exempted him from military service, kecacatan pd tubuhnya menyebabkan dia dikecualikan drpd perkhidmatan tentera. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
handicap | n 1. disability, kecacatan: it’s possible to correct some physical ~s surgically, setengah-setengah kecacatan fizikal dapat dipulihkan melalui pembedahan; 2. disadvantage, hambatan: poor eye sight is a ~ especially in this type of job, penglihatan yg kabur ialah satu hambatan terutama sekali dlm pekerjaan spt ini; 3. disadvantage imposed on better competitor, handikap; 4. competition where handicaps are imposed, perlawanan yg diberi handikap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
flaw | n cacat(nya), kecacatan: there is a ~ in the diamond, berlian itu ada cacatnya; her beauty is without ~ , kecantikannya tdk ada cacatnya; I found many ~s in the translation, banyak cacat yg saya dapati dlm terjemahan itu; Charles is a good person but he has one ~: he’s too convinced of his own superiority, Charles baik orangnya tetapi dia mempunyai satu kecacatan: dia terlalu yakin akan keunggulan dirinya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disability | n 1. incapacity, kehilangan upaya, ketakdayaan: a ~ to move his leg muscles, kehilangan upaya utk menggerakkan otot-otot kakinya; 2. st that disables, kecacatan: severe physical disabilities, kecacatan anggota yg teruk; 3. legal disqualification, ketakupayaan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
congenital | adj sejak lahir, bawaan; (med) kongenital: a ~ defect, kecacatan kongenital. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
idiocy | n 1. state of being an idiot, kedunguan,kerencatan akal, kecacatan otak: congenital ~, kedunguan kongenital; 2. stupidity, ketololan, kebodohan: the whole thing stems from bureaucratic ~, semuanya berpunca drpd ketololan sistem birokrasi; 3. extremely foolish act, remark, /perbuatan, ata-kata/ yg bodoh. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
disfigurement | n 1. defacement, pencacatan, mencacati; 2. st that disfigures, kecacatan: after a number of years he was no longer worried about his ~, selepas beberapa tahun, dia tdk lagi bimbang akan kecacatannya. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
deformation | n 1. act of deforming, pencacatan bentuk; 2. deformity, kecacatan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |