bantam | n 1. small-sized fowl, ayam katik; 2. small, aggressive person, kecil-kecil /cili, lada/ /padi, api/. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
shiver 2 | n (usu in pl) fragment, splinter, serpihan: little ~s of glass covered the footpath, lorong jalan kaki itu penuh dgn serpihan kaca yg kecil-kecil; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fragmentation | n perpecahan, pemecahan: the dispute led to the ~ of the church into a number of smaller sects, persengketaan itu mengakibatkan perpecahan gereja menjadi sejumlah mazhab yg kecil-kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
little | adj 1. small in size, kecil: a ~ house, rumah kecil; a ~ dog, anjing kecil; 2. young and small, kecil: ~ children, kanak-kanak kecil; the ~ girl is playing with her dolls, budak perempuan kecil itu sedang bermain dgn anak patungnya; when I was ~..., semasa saya kecil dahulu...; 3. brief, (of walk, drive, etc) sekejap: let’s take the child for a ~ walk, mari kita bawa budak ini berjalan-jalan sekejap; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
ornament | n 1. st serving to adorn or decorate, (barang) perhiasan: there were a number of small china ~s on the table, di atas meja itu terdapat beberapa perhiasan tembikar yg kecil-kecil; ear-rings, gold bracelets and silver ~s, subang, rantai tangan emas dan perhiasan perak; 2. decoration, hiasan: the walls are bare, devoid of ~, dinding-dinding itu kosong tanpa sebarang hiasan; 3. (person who adds lustre, beauty to a place) hiasan; (person who adds honour to a place or increase its good reputation) aset: she is an ~ to her profession, dia merupakan aset bagi profesyennya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
mother | every ~’s son, setiap lelaki: every ~’s son in this camp has a job to do, setiap lelaki dlm kem ini mempunyai tugas utk dilaksanakan; learn st at o’s ~’s knee, belajar semasa kecil-kecil dahulu: I can remember a rhyme I learnt at m | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
small | 3. small-scale, kecil: ~ businessman, peniaga kecil; ~ farm, ladang kecil; 4. minor, kecil; (of task) ringan: we had a ~ accident on the way here, kami mendapat kemalangan kecil dlm perjalanan ke sini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
potty 1 | adj 1. (colloq) foolish, mad, bodoh, gila: What a ~ plan! I won’t be part of it, rancangan bodoh! Saya tak mahu masuk campur; 2. (derog) small, unimportant, kecil(-kecil): he owns a ~ little shop in a back lane, dia memiliki sebuah kedai kecil di lorong belakang; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
novelty | n 1. quality of being novel, kebaharuan: the ~ of the first few weeks soon wore off, kebaharuan minggu-minggu yg awal mula luput; 2. st new, sst yg baru: hard work is no ~ to him, kerja keras bukan sst yg baru baginya; snow was a ~ to them, salji merupakan sst yg baru bagi mereka; 3. small, unusual ornament etc sold as a gift, hadiah kecil-kecil: a ~ shop, kedai hadiah kecil-kecil. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
little | 4. trivial, insignificant, kecil: she worries about ~ things, dia berasa risau ttg perkara-perkara kecil; 5. (used to express feelings of affection, pleasure, sympathy, etc) kecil: they owned a nice ~ cottage in the country, mereka memiliki sebuah kotej yg kecil molek di desa; a ~ old lady opened the door for us, seorang perempuan tua yg kecil membuka pintu utk kami; what a nasty ~ girl, nakal betul budak kecil ini; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |