inclination | n 1. bending, a. (of body) membongkok; b. (of head) melentokkan: he acknowledged the greeting with a slight ~ of the head, dia membalas sapaan itu dgn melentokkan kepalanya sedikit; 2. sloping position, kecondongan, condongan: the ~ of the roof, kecondongan bumbung rumah itu; 3. (math) kecondongan: the ~ of the axis, kecondongan paksi; 4. liking, desire, kehendak hati: to give way to o’s ~s, menurut kehendak hati; if only I were free to follow my ~s, kalaulah saya bebas utk mengikut kehendak hati saya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bent 1 | n aptitude, propensity, kecenderungan, kecondongan: to follow o’s ~, mengikut kecenderungan sso; a ~ for music, kecenderungan dlm bidang muzik; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
bias | n 1. inclination, leaning (towards or against) kecenderungan, kecondongan: he has a strong ~ towards an academic career, dia mempunyai kecenderungan yg kuat thdp kerjaya akademik; a ~ against socialism, kecenderungan menentang sosialisme; 2. prejudice, preconceived opinion, /sikap, pendirian/ berat sebelah: he is without ~, dia tdk bersikap berat sebelah; a ~ /against, towards/ st, sikap berat sebelah /menentang, menyokong/ sst; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |