cold feet | n; /have, get/ ~, (colloq) kecut hati. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blood | farming is in his ~, bertani telah menjadi darah dagingnya; make o’s ~ boil, menyebabkan /darah sso mendidih, sso terbakar/; make o’s ~ run cold, mengecutkan hati sso, menyebabkan sso /kecut hati, takut/, menakutkan, menggerunkan; of the same ~, bersaudara, sedarah; /prince, lady, etc/ of the ~, anak raja; related by ~, bersaudara, sedarah (daging); so’s ~ is up, sso terbakar, sso naik /darah, marah, radang, berang/; so. is /after, out for/ so’s ~, sso hendak mengerjakan sso. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heart | b. be greatly frightened, berasa kecut; have o’s ~ in the right place, baik hati: anyone with his ~ in the right place would have helped the poor child, orang yg baik hati sudah tentu akan menolong kanak-kanak yg malang itu; have st at ~, mengambil berat ttg sst: a good teacher always has her pupils’ welfare at ~, guru yg baik selalunya mengambil berat ttg kebajikan murid-muridnya; have the ~, sampai hati: I did not have the ~ to tell him the sad news, saya tdk sampai hati utk memberitahu dia berita sedih itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |