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Kamus Bahasa Melayu

[ke.é.so.kan]/[ke.é.so/.kan] | کأيسوقن

Definisi : ; ~ harinya = ~nya esoknya. (Kamus Dewan Edisi Keempat)

[ke.é.so.kan]/[ke.é.so/.kan] | کأيسوقن

Definisi : ; ~ harinya, = ~nya esoknya. (Kamus Pelajar Edisi Kedua)
Tiada maklumat tesaurus untuk kata keesokan

Kamus Bahasa Inggeris

contraryadj 1. opposed, opposite, bertentangan; (of words) berlawanan: ~ to the doctor’s advice, he went back to work the very next day, bertentangan dgn nasihat doktor, dia kembali bekerja keesokan harinya; the result is ~ to our expectation, keputusan itu berlawanan dgn harapan kami; his conduct is ~ to the rules of the school, tingkah lakunya bertentangan dgn peraturan sekolah; ~ opinions, pendapat yg bertentangan; “fast” and “slow” are ~ terms, “cepat” dan “lambat” ialah kata yg berlawanan; 2. (of wind) sakal; 3. obstinate, difficult, suka membantah;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
followingadj 1. next, after, berikut(nya): the ~ week, minggu berikutnya; the explanation will be found in the ~ pages, keterangan boleh didapati pd halaman-halaman yg berikut; the ~ day, (pd) /keesokannya, keesokan harinya, hari berikutnya/; 2. about to be mentioned, yg berikut: the ~ books are recommended, buku-buku yg berikut disyorkan utk dibaca; the ~, yg berikut: the ~ have been selected to represent the school in the debate, yg berikut telah dipilih utk mewakili sekolah dlm perbahasan;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
dayone of these (fine) ~s, (pd) suatu hari nanti; one of those ~s, hari yg serba tdk kena; some ~, suatu hari nanti; that will be the ~, (humorous) tunggulah sampai kucing bertanduk; the ~ after tomorrow, lusa; the ~ before yesterday, kelmarin (dulu); the ~ is ours, kita telah menang; /the, this/ ~ of ~s, hari yg istimewa /ini, itu/; the next ~, keesokan harinya, (pd) esok harinya; the other ~, tempoh hari; /this ~, today/ of all ~s, dlm banyak(-banyak) hari, hari ini pula; this ~ /week, fortnight, etc/, hari yg sama /minggu hadapan, dua minggu dr sekarang, dsb/, /seminggu, dua minggu, dsb/ dr hari ini; those were the ~s, (interj) seronok betul pd masa itu; to /a, the/ ~, genap: six months ago to the ~, genap enam bulan dulu; to this ~, hingga hari ini.Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan
find ~ nothing to say, tdk dapat mengatakan sst pun: confronted with the grieving parents, she could ~ nothing to say to comfort them, apabila berhadapan dgn ibu bapa yg sedang berdukacita itu, dia tdk dapat mengatakan sst pun utk menenteramkan mereka; ~ os, a. discover o’s own character etc, mengenal diri sso: one year’s field work on the slopes of Mount Kinabalu should help you to ~ yourself, setahun membuat kerja lapangan di lereng Gunung Kinabalu seharusnya membolehkan kamu mengenal dirimu; b. become aware that one is (in a given place or situation, doing st, etc) mendapati diri: the next day I found myself in hospital, keesokan harinya saya mendapati diri saya berada di rumah sakit; I found myself trembling as I walked onto the stage, saya mendapati diri saya menggigil ketika menjejakkan kaki ke pentas;Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan

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