darkness | n 1. absence of light, kegelapan: in the ~ of the night, dlm kegelapan malam; 2. state of being dark, gelap: the studio was in complete ~, studio itu gelap-gelita; 3. quality of being dark in shade, a. (of complexion, skin) kehitaman, kegelapan; b. (of hair, eyes) berwarna gelap; (tending towards brown) berwarna coklat gelap; (tending towards black) kehitaman, hitam; c. (of clothing) kegelapan warna, berwarna gelap; 4. obscurity, kekaburan: the ~ of the prophecies, kekaburan ramalan-ramalan itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blackness | n 1. (rel to colour) kehitaman; 2. quality of being without light, kegelapan; 3. (of clouds) kehitaman; 4. quality of being soiled, kehitaman; 5. gloominess, a. (of outlook, future) kegelapan; b. (of tidings, mood, day, etc) kemuraman; 6. wickedness, hatefulness, kejahatan, kekejian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inky | ~ /black, dark/ gelap-gelita, gelap pekat: the room was ~ black, bilik itu gelap-gelita; an ~ dark night, malam yg gelap pekat; ~ /blackness, darkness/, kegelapan malam, malam yg /gelap-gelita, gelap pekat/: for a long time, he stood staring into the ~ blackness, lama juga dia merenung ke dlm kegelapan malam or malam yg gelap-gelita itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
black | n 1. (colour) warna hitam; 2./b> black clothing, pakaian hitam: the men wore ~ at the dinner, orang lelaki memakai pakaian hitam di majlis makan malam itu; 3. darkness, kegelapan: the ~ of night, kegelapan malam; 4. member of dark-skinned people, orang kulit hitam; 5. (in chess, draughts) a. (piece) buah hitam; b. (square) tapak hitam; 6. black pigment or colouring, pewarna hitam; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | vi 1. glow, bercahaya, bersinar: a candle ~ed in the dark, sebatang lilin bercahaya dlm kegelapan; 2. reflect brightly, berkilat: she polished the table until it ~ed, dia menggilap meja itu sehingga berkilat; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
blindly | adv 1. in a blind manner, spt orang buta: he groped ~ in the dark, dia meraba-raba spt orang buta dlm kegelapan; 2. without reason, foresight, secara /membabi buta, membuta tuli/: to follow so. ~, mengikut sso secara membabi buta. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
benighted | adj 1. overtaken by night, kemalaman: a ~ traveller, pengembara yg kemalaman; 2. not culturally, intellectually enlightened, masih dlm /kejahilan, kegelapan/: the ~ inhabitants of the islands, penduduk pulau itu yg masih dlm kejahilan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gleam | n 1. glow, /cahaya, sinar/ lembut: all that could be seen in the darkness was the ~ of a lamp in the window, yg dapat dilihat dlm kegelapan itu hanyalah cahaya lembut lampu di tingkap; 2. reflected glow, kilat: the ~ of well-polished shoes, kilat kasut yg digilap; 3. brief trace of some quality or emotion, sedikit: there is the occasional ~ of humour in the book, sekali-sekala terdapat sedikit unsur jenaka dlm buku itu; a ~ of hope came into his eyes, sedikit harapan terpancar di matanya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
afraid | be ~ of, a. be frightened of, takutkan, takut akan: there is nothing to be ~ of, tiada apa yg harus kamu takutkan; a child who is ~ of the dark, kanak-kanak yg takut akan kegelapan; b. be apprehensive of, takut, khuatir. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cover | break ~, keluar dr tempat persembunyian; read from ~ to ~, membaca dr mula hingga habis; run for ~, segera mencari perlindungan; /take, make for, find/ ~, mencari perlindungan: the deer made for ~ behind the bushes, rusa itu mencari perlindungan di balik semak; under ~ of, dgn bertopengkan: under ~ of religion, dgn bertopengkan agama; under ~ of darkness, dlm kegelapan; under plain ~, dlm /sampul surat, bungkusan/ biasa; under separate ~, mengirim [sst] secara berasingan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |