appearance | 5. act of presenting os formally, kehadiran: his ~ in court caused quite a stir, kehadirannya di mahkamah menimbulkan kosak-kasik; 6. outward aspect, a. (of face) wajah, rupa: the beard completely altered his ~, janggutnya menjadikan wajahnya berubah sama sekali; b. (of person’s overall look), /rupa, wajah/ dan perawakan; (esp as indic by his clothes) kelihatan: it was obvious from his ~ that he was ill, jelas drpd rupa dan perawakannya bahawa dia sakit; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
dignify | vt 1. add to the prestige of, menyerikan lagi: the presence of the mayor dignified the occasion, kehadiran datuk bandar menyerikan lagi majlis itu; 2. ennoble, menaikkan /taraf, darjat/: the school was dignified with the name of “college”, sekolah itu dinaikkan tarafnya dgn panggilan “maktab”; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
attendance | n 1. esp in ~, a. (esp on royalty) mengiringi: to be in ~ upon the Queen, mengiringi Permaisuri; b. (esp at a hospital) memberikan rawatan: there was no doctor in ~, tdk ada doktor yg memberikan rawatan; 2. being present, kehadiran, hadir: ~ at school, kehadiran di sekolah; ~ book, buku kedatangan; ~ register, daftar kedatangan; 3. number of times so. attends school etc, hadir: she missed at least four ~s this month, dia tdk hadir sekurang-kurangnya empat kali dlm bulan ini; 4. number of persons present, bilangan yg hadir: the ~ was greater than expected, bilangan yg hadir lebih besar drpd yg diduga. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
affect 1 | vt 1. act upon esp adversely, (act.) menjejaskan; (pass.) terjejas: the dry season ~ed the rice crop, musim kemarau menjejaskan hasil padi; heavy rain did not ~ the attendance at the match, hujan lebat tdk menjejaskan kehadiran penonton di perlawanan itu; smoking ~s health, merokok menjejaskan kesihatan; 2. involve, concern, (act.) melibatkan; (pass.) terlibat: this order ~s all public servants, perintah ini melibatkan semua kakitangan awam; these restrictions ~ canned food particularly, sekatan-sekatan ini melibatkan makanan dlm tin khususnya; a decision that ~s me personally, keputusan yg melibatkan saya secara peribadi; 3. influence, mempengaruhi: soil conditions ~ plant growth, keadaan tanah mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman; facts that ~ed the findings, fakta-fakta yg mempengaruhi kesimpulan yg dicapai; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
grace | vt (fml) 1. decorate, ornament, menghiasi, menyerikan: a bowl of freshly-cut roses ~d the dining-room, semangkuk bunga mawar yg baru dipetik menghiasi bilik makan itu; 2. endow with honour or dignity, menyerikan: the Queen ~d the banquet with her presence, kehadiran Baginda Ratu menyerikan bankuet itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
animate | vt 1. make alive, menghidupkan: we do not know what ~ the body cells, kita tdk tahu apakah yg menghidupkan sel badan; 2. enliven, brighten up, [various translations]: to ~ a discussion, merancakkan perbincangan; her gaiety ~d us all, keriangannya menggirangkan kami semua; the presence of celebrities would ~ the party, kehadiran orang-orang yg terkenal akan memeriahkan majlis itu; a wide grin ~d her face, senyuman lebar menyerikan wajahnya; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhibit | vt 1. restrain, restrict, menghalang, menyekat: his many responsibilities ~ed him from taking a long holiday, tanggungjawabnya yg banyak menghalangnya drpd bercuti panjang; a child should not be ~ed, kanak-kanak tdk seharusnya disekat; tight clothing may ~ breathing, pakaian ketat mungkin menyekat pernafasan; 2. retard, merencatkan, membantutkan: lack of water ~s growth, kekurangan air merencatkan pertumbuhan; 3. cause (so.) to feel inhibited, menyebabkan [sso] berasa segan: his presence seem to ~ her, kehadiran lelaki itu nampaknya menyebabkan dia berasa segan; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
greet | she ~ed her mother with a smile, dia menyambut ibunya dgn senyuman; the queen was ~ed by hundreds of schoolchildren waving small flags, permaisuri disambut oleh ratusan murid sekolah yg melambaikan bendera kecil; his election victory was ~ed by thundering applause from his supporters, kemenangannya dlm pilihan raya disambut dgn tepuk sorak yg gemuruh; 2. receive in a certain manner, menyambut: the news was ~ed with great joy, berita itu disambut dgn gembira sekali; their presence was ~ed by angry stares, kehadiran mereka disambut dgn | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
appearance | 3. coming before the public, a. (gen) tampil: it was the first public ~ of the baby prince, itulah kali pertama bayi diraja itu tampil di khalayak ramai; b. (in a publication) penyiaran, tersiar: he was upset over the ~ of his name in connection with the scandal, fikirannya terganggu apabila tersiar namanya berkaitan dengan skandal itu; c. (in the form of a publication) penerbitan: the ~ of his novel was delayed by a printers’ strike, penerbitan novelnya tergendala oleh mogok pekerja-pekerja cetak; d. (in the form of a recording) pengeluaran; e. (for sale) terdapatnya; f. (as an actor, performer, etc) kemunculan, muncul: this was to be his last ~ at the Sydney Opera House, ini sepatutnya kali terakhir dia muncul di Rumah Opera Sydney; 4. attendance, kehadiran: her ~ at any party adds glamour to it, kehadirannya di majlis mana-mana akan menyerikan lagi majlis itu; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |