delicacy | n 1. quality of being soft, exquisite, fine, (in texture, quality, etc) kehalusan: ~ of craftmanship, kehalusan kerja tangan; the ~ of silk, kehalusan sutera; the ~ of the design, kehalusan reka bentuk itu; b. (in workmanship) kehalusan buatan, halus buatannya: the ~ of the china bowl, kehalusan buatan mangkuk tembikar itu; 2. soft, fragile beauty, kehalusan, keayuan: feminine ~, kehalusan wanita; 3. frailty (of constitution) keadaan [sso] yg mudah sakit, kelemahan resam tubuh: the ~ of the child worries her parents, keadaan anak yg mudah sakit itu merunsingkan ibu bapanya; 4. quality of being easily broken, getas, mudah pecah; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
finesse | n tact, delicateness, kehalusan: he shows ~ in his dealings with people, dia memperlihatkan kehalusan apabila berurus dgn orang; with ~, dgn penuh kehalusan: the Prime Minister handled the situation with great ~, Perdana Menteri mengendalikan situasi itu dgn penuh kehalusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
fineness | n 1. delicacy in texture, structure, etc, kehalusan; 2. subtleness, kehalusan; 3. slenderness, kehalusan; 4. smallness of particles, kehalusan;__ 5. purity, ketulenan, kejatian. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
gentility | n ( fml or liter.) 1. high social status, gentle birth, taraf kelas atasan; 2. politeness, kesopanan, kehalusan budi pekerti. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
exquisiteness | n 1. quality of being extremely beautiful, kecantikan, keindahan, sangat /cantik(nya), indah(nya)/; (of face) kecantikan [n] yg bagai diraut, sangat cantik; 2. showing a high degree of artistic skill, kehalusan: he was fascinated by the ~ of the carving, dia kagum dgn ukiran yg sangat halus buatannya itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
creaminess | n 1. quality of being rich in cream, /kaya, penuh/ dgn krim: the ~ of the custard, kastard yg kaya dgn krim; 2. (of voice) kelunakan; 3. (of colour) putih kuning; 4. quality of being soft and smooth, kelembutan dan kehalusan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |