brutalize | vt 1. make brutal, menjadikan [sso] kejam: his experience in the concentration camp ~d him, pengalamannya di kem tahanan menjadikannya kejam; 2. treat brutally, (act.) berlaku kejam thdp; (pass.) diperlakukan dgn kejam: the prisoners who were ~d by the KGB, banduan-banduan yg diperlakukan dgn kejam oleh KGB. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
atrocious | adj 1. very cruel, kejam; (of deed) kejam, zalim: an ~ crime, jenayah yg kejam; 2. terrible, horrifying, dahsyat: an ~ accident, kemalangan yg dahsyat; 3. (colloq) very bad, teruk: ~ weather, cuaca yg teruk; ~ handwriting,tulisan yg teruk. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
brutal | adj 1. viciously cruel, kejam: it was a ~ crime, itu jenayah yg kejam; a ~ murderer, pembunuh yg kejam; 2. harsh, severe, menyeksakan, teruk: a ~ winter, musim sejuk yg menyeksakan; 3. merciless, tanpa belas kasihan: ~ frankness, sifat terus terang tanpa belas kasihan; 4. undeniable but harsh, pahit: the ~ truth, kebenaran yg pahit. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
inhumane | adj tdk berperikemanusiaan, kejam; (of weapon) kejam: the ~ treatment of the prisoners of war, perlakuan yg tdk berperikemanusiaan thdp tawanan-tawanan perang itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
heinous | adj /sungguh, sangat, amat/ kejam: a ~ crime, jenayah yg sungguh kejam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barbarous | adj 1. cruel, kejam: ~ acts, perbuatan-perbuatan kejam; 2. crude, kasar: a ~ expression, ungkapan yg kasar; ~ manners, tingkah laku yg kasar. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
diabolic(al) | adj 1. of, pertaining to the devil, syaitan; 2. very cruel, devilish, kejam: the killing was a ~ act, pembunuhan itu merupakan perbuatan yg kejam; a ~ plan, rancangan yg kejam; 3. like the devil, spt syaitan: a ~ laugh, ketawa spt syaitan; a ~ temperament, perangai spt syaitan. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cruel | adj 1. unkind, merciless, kejam, zalim; (of words, remark, etc) kesat: a ~ stepmother, ibu tiri yg zalim; he was ~ to animals, dia kejam thdp binatang; ~ remarks, kata-kata kesat; 2. distressing, menyayat hati: a ~ sight, pemandangan yg menyayat hati; a ~ fate, nasib malang; suffer a ~ death, mati sengsara. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
infamy | n 1. evil reputation, terkenal: this cruel act only added to his ~, perbuatan yg kejam ini membuat dia lebih terkenal; 2. state of being infamous, keaiban: because of the brutal murder he had committed, his name will live in ~, oleh sebab pembunuhan kejam yg dilakukannya, dia akan hidup dlm keaiban; 3. infamous act or behaviour, perbuatan /kejam, dahsyat/: one of the infamies committed by the dictator, salah satu drpd perbuatan kejam yg dilakukan oleh diktator itu. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
barbaric | adj 1. rough, crude, gasar: ~ people, orang gasar; 2. brutal, kejam: a ~ punishment, hukuman yg kejam. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |