convulsion | n 1. (usu pl) fit, menggigil-gigil dan terkejang-kejang; (tech) konvulsi: she was terrified when the baby started having ~s, dia berasa takut apabila bayi itu menggigil-gigil dan terkejang-kejang; 2. (in pl) uncontrollable laughter, pecah perut ketawa; have so. in ~s, membuat sso pecah perut ketawa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
cramp1 | n kekejangan, kejang: va bad ~ in the leg, kekejangan yg teruk di kaki; stomach ~s, kekejangan perut; | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulse | vt 1. (usu pass.) cause to shake violently, (with fever) terkokol-kokol; (with pain) terkejang-kejang; (with laughter) pecah perut; (with anger) menggigil-gigil: the patient was ~d by high fever, pesakit itu terkokol-kokol krn demam panas; he was ~d with rage when told about the incident, badannya menggigil-gigil krn terlalu marah apabila diberitahu ttg peristiwa itu; 2. cause so. to laugh uncontrollably, membuat [sso] pecah perut ketawa: the comic scene ~d the audience, adegan jenaka itu membuat penonton pecah perut ketawa. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |
convulsive | adj 1. accompanied by convulsion, disertai konvulsi: epilepsy is a ~ disease, epilepsi ialah penyakit yg disertai konvulsi; 2. having the nature of a convulsion, terkejang-kejang; (tech) akibat konvulsi: ~ movements of the limbs, gerakan anggota akibat konvulsi. | Kamus Inggeris-Melayu Dewan |